My Experience in my Years of High School Studies

Greetings friends of Hive and @weekendexperiences, today I am going to participate in the @galenkp initiative, in which he presents us with several topics to select the one we like, and express our experience and learn about other participants.


This week I am going to talk a little about: What were my years of studies like? I studied primary education at a school near my mother's house, it is a short distance away, my mother always took me and when I went to Baccalaureate to studying first year, this high school is about a kilometer from the house, the first days my mother accompanied me, I was lucky that I went with my dark-skinned brother, since we always study until third year.


It should be noted that during my high school studies, I was a calm child, I studied from first year to fifth year, I never had any problems with the teachers of each of the subjects that I saw in this high school. I made friends with a friend who lived in an area far from where I studied.


Regarding my performance as a student, I always had good grades, especially in mathematics subjects, since I always liked it, my grades were also from 16 and 20 in some. I was never late for a class or dropped out, like some classmates who studied with me did.


Likewise, my beginnings in the sport were when I was in the first year, I began training to participate in a 14K race, I remember that it was my first experience, managing to complete the entire competition route, where my older brother came in fourth place in the general

Finally, I want to tell you, it was an unforgettable experience to be able to live that time of my studies, where I met many teachers who are no longer on this earthly plane.

I hope you liked my experience, see you in a next post.

Fotografías: Teléfono Redmi Note 10
Portada realizada en APP GridArt
Logos utilizados de Hive
Traductor utilizado: Traductor de Google

Photos: Redmi Note 10 Phone
Cover made in The APP GridArte
Used logos of Hive
Translator used: Translator used: Google Translate

colmena (3).gif
Vote la-colmena for witness By @ylich



Were you a calm child or you want us to think you're a calm child?

Anyways I'm glad you had an unforgettable experience in high school

Yes, my friend, I never had any problem, best regards.

Greetings @cetb2008 , I think the student stage is one of the most beautiful, so many experiences and memories that help us grow and mature for adulthood; reading your post came to my mind the beautiful moments I spent in school with my friends and fellow students.

Happy weekend!

Hello friend, if it is true, it is a very nice experience, thank you for your comment, happy weekend

Hi, you had some good years in high school, you had some very quiet and productive years of studies, both in performance as a student and also in sports. Regards.

Hello yes friend, thank you for your comment

When you were in high school you never had problems with anyone, my brother fought a lot, he was new and they took his snack or picked on him, I was in 4th grade and at recess I would go with my friends so they wouldn't bother him, but he always ended up fighting, I always had to go pick him up at the principal's office because my grandmother suffered from leg problems and couldn't walk much.

Hello, I mean you defended him from the other guys, that happens a lot in high school, although with the new laws have been reduced a bit, thanks for your comment,