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RE: [Photography & Writing] My Simple Weekend on My Simple Shot

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago (edited)

Hello sir @galenkp. Is it allow to spend weekend by only writing some topics and add some picture that i take by my self? But I'm not telling about the weekend topics like this



Weekend-related topics only and no religious preaching. Read the community rules.

Thank you so much sir. I am sorry. I will fix my fouls in the next post. Blessing

I like to keep my community focused on the content as per the community rules, there are other communities for religious content. Mentioning the word weekend in a post also doesn't constitute weekend-related content. Thanks.

Thank you for your advice sir, I will try again to improve my content later and will remember this as a correction for my mistakes to make it better. I am Sorry for the inconvenience.

No worries. I appreciate you taking the time to clarify.