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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 25: Your phone photo

I’m hoping to not let him play a gaming console for a long time, if ever. I enjoy gaming but I was heavily addicted to it and it was bad. Honestly almost lost my marriage because of playing too much lol. Scary but you have to admit you have the problem! I don’t want the little man to go down that route so I will do what I can to help keep him busy and off that crap. If that means building shit in our living room or deck, I’m all for that!

We can certainly hope that he’s able to take this type of exposure and grow on it to lead to something later in life that many people won’t have. I think it’s crazy but not unexpected that not a lot of people are going to know how to do some of this stuff but that’s better for him. He can make buckets of money off people who don’t know what they are doing lol


Losing one's marriage over a video game...Yeah, it doesn't seem like a good exchange really; I'm glad you managed to arrest your problem and I'm sure Siena is glad she didn't have to boot you out on your ass!

I had breakfast with a friend today and we were talking about how dumb people are these days. Sure, a person can google everything, can order up food on an app and probably feels really clever...But ask them to work with their hands, build something they need, understand the seasons, navigate by the stars, fix something that is broken...Clueless. (Generally speaking I mean of course.) I agree with you in that people with practical skills will be sought-after.

Yes to all of the above. I think the mechanical and construction trades are going to prosper in the not too distant future.

There's bit of a gap right now, a lack of good quality tradespeople I figure because in the past 20 years or so it hasn't really been a desirable job to have. However I think that may change in the not too distant future as jobs in other sectors dry up and people see an opportunity to get a trade and make some money.

Quality has declined dramatically though, so has care-factor, and at times trades do more damage than good work. @tarazkp can attest to this Tom, he's had a woeful experience with some elements of his renovation. Blame covid? Nah, blame shitty tradies.

There's a couple of factors here
1: Parents don't give their children pride of workmanship. Everybody is entitled to a reward no matter the job.
2: Unions have been gutted and the mentorship of an apprentice program goes begging.
3: Everybody is groomed to go to college rather than work with your hands. You end up getting a high percentage of dickheads that can't do anything else in the trades.

I suspect I could go on, but what's the reason? The result is shit tradespeople doing shit work.

Same here. Same reasons. I cant disagree...Shit tradies. No one cares anymore. I just wrote a post about moving...Didn't hire someone to do it because they're shit! They don't care, like Faith and I do. So here's me and Faith doing it ourselves. They want $800 for the job and all I would have got is dented walls and furniture. No thanks ya pelicans.

I have a really good friend that spent 25 years as a furniture mover. For a serious new furniture company. They sold out and the new owners eliminated the skilled union workers and paid $10 per hour. He and his work partner bought one of the former delivery trucks and make a good side gig moving furniture.

He's a warehouseman for a big hospital now...

I think those furniture movers tend to employ whomever is willing to do the job regardless of skills or attention to detail. It can't be a pleasant job I'd imagine...One day of moving and I'm sore, although I suppose one would get conditioned after a while. Still, manoeuvring all that furniture in tight spots, worried owners hovering...Not my idea of fun.