I Am No Veggie

I decided to get involved and support the weekend experience community today as there is no time like the present. There is an interesting set of topics this weekend with one that stood out head and shoulders above all of them.

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This is my topic for todays post as if a law was passed saying in order to eat your meat then you need to kill it and prepare it yourself. I love animals and would never dare of killing one unless they were causing damage, being a threat or I needed to feed myself and my family. I am not squeamish and has never really bugged me killing something whereas some people cannot even squish a mosquito.

My mum is a vegetarian and that did not rub off on me as have you seen a 120kg 6ft5 vegetarian as that is not happening.

My first experience of culling for food was when I was in the army when two colleagues and myself were given the task of slaughtering a few thousand chickens for the kitchen. Not a job I would have volunteered for and was just something that needed to be done. This was extreme and if anything was going to turn me into a veggie this was it.

I love my meat and will have no worries having to harvest my own food as that is just the cycle of life. Here is my food from my restaurant outing last week where I had a whole peri peri chicken.

We were given 1 knife which I was not exactly happy about as I thought you just twisted their necks. The only instrument I had on hand was a big bunch of keys and to be honest was more humane than the knife or breaking their necks. A quick flick of the keys to the head and literally the chicken was down and out instantly. A job that would have normally taken a morning to accomplish was completed in a few hours. That night the kitchen served chicken pie.

This was my initiation which did have an impact on how I saw food and where it came from as I couldn't eat chicken for a few weeks. This is not like catching a fish or a lobster as for some reason they don't really count in my book even though they are living.

I had one other occasion in the army when a sheep that was being raffled for charity escaped out of his pen and was on the run. Not thinking I caught him and was instructed to take him to the kitchen and not back to his pen. This was another level from the chickens and you get to understand very quickly the purpose of animals and where they sit in the food chain.

My son eating healthy as he went for meat with the veggie option.

I know I would struggle being a farmer breeding animals in order to be sold and slaughtered, but at the same time would have no problem killing one or two every now and then to feed the family. This would be different as you could use a rifle and not be the one holding a knife or a bunch of keys which I think makes things easier.

I could never be a veggie as the love for meat far outweighs the taste of what even the best vegetables can offer. I know there are discussions and some crazies around who would like us to eat insects instead in a type of superfood. I have eaten insects as a meal and can tell you they are so overrated and definitely not a fan and besides from swallowing the odd fly by mistake will not be eating anymore.


We had chickens in the garden growing up for eggs and later a Sunday dinner, did not have to kill the chicken but did have to clean it, I think the first task is far easier BTW.

Only one in the home who would not eat them was my mom, yet she ate them from her own back garden growing up, made no sense at all!

Going to family on farms over holidays, we helped with sheep, pigs all in preparation for the table. Milked cows then spent the morning separating the milk for butter or milk, best milk in the world when it's fresh! Farmer shot, we cleaned Tarentale (Guineafowl) for the table at sunset, never thought to question it's always been done.

Army life changed many having to source food, there is no way you run an army on an empty belly! Personally I would never dream of a meal without meat....

!LUV Look after the farmer!

You are spot on and it is just normal everyday life for many growing up. MY chicken episode was an extreme way of waking me up to what is reality. I agree I would rather kill a chicken than pluck it as that is the easy part. Never came across a vegetarian in the army as food was food and no matter how good or disgusting the food was you ate it.

I laugh now but my brother was a cook/chef to officers mess, sometimes wondered what a mess he made of it, today he is a fine cook at home, taught him something 🙃

Vegetarians most probably sat in army jail as conscientious objectors back then if they did not fall into line. Conscription to the army you had little say!

I was based at the Recce base on the Bluff and was nominated as the best food in the Army for over 10 years and we were really spoiled. I can recall mixed grills on Wednesday nights was never to be missed along with the 10am tea time every day where we were given platters of toasted sandwiches made with home made fresh bread plus cup cakes. You just get used to this after having them for 18 months and no wonder we are fussy and have standards to maintain lol. My ex army colleagues from the base still talk about the food as our experience was rather unique. For lunch every day there would be fresh bread along with cut cold meats and salads as an extra to the 3 choices of hot meals available and it is staggering to think other bases never had anything close to this. The founder of the SA Special Forces was our RSM and he loved his food so only the best was served.

Sounds like you landed with your bum in the butter as far as food was concerned, my brother did pretty well working in the kitchen, learning and eating!

Rest of the guys I knew were based in Pretoria, never heard them complain about food.

School friends that ended up at the border war, never spoke about what life was like up there I think they had orders not to, some died defending the country at a young age!

Oldest brother was Navy, based at Saldanha Bay, liked it so much he stayed on as a reserve right up until they dismantled the unit.

Looks like you're the guy to bribe if the law passes.

That chicken dish with the funny name looks good.

Bribe as I don't mind preparing it for someone else to cook so I am open to corruption.

Then we have a deal. You do the dirty work and I cook 😂.


Hello @cryptoandcoffee !

I'm not a fan of eating insects either. First of all, they are living creatures and there are still many unanswered questions about the risk of allergies, skin rashes or asthma.
Look I just cooked surf and turf the days. The selection is enough for me. I don't need grasshoppers in my food.😉


Thanks for stopping by at my blog and your support. I wish you a nice weekend! @missagora

I at least tried insects and if they tasted ok would say so and eat them again. Surf and turf is good and haven't had one in years.

I think indirectly we have all eaten insects. It is now used in cereal bars, porridge, pasta, soups, chocolate, pasta and chips.😏... and much more.

I think most processed food has many nasty things lurking inside of them. Watched a documentary on Vienna sausages years ago where rat hair detected over a certain percentage became pet food.

Yes, I believe you. Sometimes it is better not to know how our food is produced. It's really sad that you have to think that way to even get a bite down.

I couldn't be a vegetarian either. It's just not in my blood I don't think. That being said, I am also not the type to go out and kill my own food. If I had to though, I think I could. I know enough people who could walk me through it.

I think once you set your mind to this it would be a simple transformation as I would never give up meat.

Yeah, for sure! My wife has made some vegetarian dishes in the past and though they are fine, they always hit a little better when I add some meat to them.

Lol. Same here as I feel cheated if there is no meat. We went to a vegetarian restaurant "once" and that was the only day I have never eaten some form of meat with a meal and will be the only day.

I hear you!

I'm also a meat lover, Just finished eating beef rice :P But I also eat Vegetables and don't have any problem eating them except two or three.