Weekend-Engagement concept / What bugs you [WE107]


Hello my weekend people, this time I'm going to vent my discomfort in this post since our friend @galenkp always has fabulous ideas for the weekend. And since now I'm the one who is sick, it's my turn to sit down, write and above all think positive that everything happens. That we must learn to control our emotions so that our immune system gets stronger and healthier every day. That's why I decided to create content this week based on the 3 things that bother me.
I am going to list 3 things and then explain them.

  1. The reproaches
  2. Pride
  3. Sickness


  1. Reproaches is the same as reprimanding or lecturing another person, reproaching him for something he has done.
    Everything becomes a constant criticism, a complaint about the other, an aggression very well disguised with words that very often hurt and damage feelings.
    This is usually seen as the mostros that say some comics that are under our bed and this only feeds on a lot of frustration and becomes bigger and bigger because it is also filled with resentment and a lot of annoyance.

The reproaches in life have only led me to move away from certain people in life, because it is not just the fact of saying things, it is how you say it, how you make others feel and added to all that I have had to hear or receive reproaches from my family, from a person who always seemed to be blameless and it turns out that it was the opposite of what he taught us. He is a critical person, envious, a liar, he has superiority on the surface and no one can be well because apparently that bothers.
Then when you receive reproaches for your actions from other people who are doing worse than you, it bothers a lot more.


2.Pride can be seen in two ways, as positive pride and negative pride: the positive is: as the feeling of satisfaction for the achievements we have obtained in our life and this is not exactly the one that bothers me. Because honestly there is nothing more beautiful and comforting than feeling proud of your achievements, goals, personal growth and that of your friends.
But the negative pride when people want to be better, to be above others, to always be right, when they do not accept that talking and venting our sorrows is what helps us to improve as human beings, when they ignore you and make you suffer that negative pride bothers me a lot... because there is nothing nicer than talking and saying things and reaching an agreement for the better.

Pride, in its negative version, leads us to pride and ego, something that involves us in numerous personal, work and emotional conflicts.


3.Getting sick: Since a few years ago I am 100% sure that emotions make the body sick and that is why when I get sick I feel very upset with myself because I know I am not managing my emotions in the right way.
Not taking care of our emotional health weakens our body, our immune system weakens and this makes us prone to colds, infections, headaches and other symptoms. That is why when you feel stressed, anxious or upset, you cannot take care of your health as well as you should and we fall into very recurrent illnesses.
In my case it is always migraine, back or cervical pain, nasal congestion and this time I have even had a break.
All of these symptoms take away your strength, your desire to exercise, eat well, go out and have fun, among other things that would make your life more bearable.

When we keep negative thoughts in our head for a long time, the body takes much more time to recover from these delicate thoughts and for this reason diseases come to our body.

Negative emotions destroy, positive emotions have the ability to heal and make us happy.


My images are selected and edited in CANVA from their free gallery.

Use the translator DeepL free version.


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Thank you for your entry in the original #weekend-engagement concept conceived by @galenkp and featured in THE WEEKEND community

The image belongs to @galenkp

thank you a thousand ... Always grateful

I like what you say about pride and how it can be a double edged sword. There's a place for it, one's achievements for instance, but when it spills over to ego it becomes twisted and a negative. This is a nice post, thank you.

Becca 💗

Pride is a double-edged sword if you don't know how to use it, study it and apply it... That is why I emphasized that there are two types of pride.

It was a good post which made some excellent points. I enjoyed it a lot. Thank you.

Becca 🌷

thanks to you for commenting and supporting... I'm happy that you liked it and that it paid off.

Oh yes or reproaches, how unpleasant they can be. It all depends on how they do it. The truth is that I don't like them either and even less when people get stuck with a topic that has already passed.
That's when I say, Live and let live.

I think exactly the same way, you have to let live to be happy.

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Hello Dai, there is nothing more unpleasant in life than being constantly reproached for some situation that has already happened, it is quite uncomfortable! 🙈 Regarding the positive pride, it is very gratifying to feel pride in achieving some goal of your own or a family member or close friend, negative pride is harmful, those people with airs of greatness at the end of the road most of them are alone, and with respect to the disease I am completely convinced that this is linked to 100% with our emotions, and I say it based, I am and always was a healthy woman so far, and I think that most of it is my mood and my good mood most of the time, God willing it does not happen now I get cranky and annoying, hahaha😃

Hello tibi! Good to know that you share my thoughts. It really is very important to take care of these things that weaken our immune system.