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RE: Forgive Me Mother For I Have Sinned

I sure do appreciate this Sweed. Haven't seen you around a whole lot, that farm must be sprouting from every direction.

Thank you, I think of memories every day, I should've considered that sooner. My last living mentor shot me a line yesterday that said something to the affect, he doesn't even remember his own birthday anymore, how could he be expected to remember his moms.. That was nice.

Then my other buddy who buried his mother several years before me and he's a year younger than me, too, I've known him more than 40 years. He said "it's happened." I felt so much better.

Now if everyone woulda responded a lot sooner I wouldn't have been a mess yesterday lookin like I bathed in peeled onions all day.


Busy as ever, garden almost finished, but I've been clipping away for the past week. 6 - 10 hours a day. 1.5 plants to go, holy shit, great crop this year.

Fond memories serve us well as time ticks by.

Have a wonderful day.

You know that's a cover image right? I'll smoke to that!