
It all depending on how you value/understand/relying on hive

This is a fair point. Like I said there will still be some users still here since everyone is here with a different purpose.

I only like here because I have a bunch of friends here I'm connected with

There's nothing wrong with that. I can understand this point because there's still people that play super smash and tetris even though the game is super old. There's friends and community there which is like hive a community. I also like the friends I have here but it's not like we can't hang out on discord or other platforms right.

a bunch of author I liked to read on a regular basis.

This is great to hear. There's a lot of great posts on Hive but are all these great posts purely written for fun and sharing for no reward. If monetary rewards were gone would those authors you like to read still be writing here? Do you think they wouldn't leave to go to another platform that rewards them for their great content?

Let's look at a real life example I'm not sure if you remember but there was a video social media platform called Vine. They introduced monetization there and then removed it and it shutdown in 2017 after top creators decided to leave it and go to youtube etc.

On a side note, do you know how many Malaysians are on Hive?

Add #teammalaysia on your 2nd tag, so your post can reach fellow Malaysians. There's a discord, but I don't have my discord access right now, and I don't wanna keep trying and get it locked 😅

Definitely not, people come and people go. I can tell who is here for the vote and who doesn't really care that much about their post payout.

I am now an investor, I have 40k loaded on ASEAN HIVE community, and I'm enjoying reading there and rewarding author who post there. I'm just doing my very best to keep my money rolling within the community.

I can still load in another 10k, but I have other plans that might take up some liquidity. So, you can see I'm powering down 10k in my wallet at the moment.

Once again, if the author I like value more from other platform, I can't stop them from moving away from Hive. But if I found out people who cross posting similar content from here to or from other platform, I'd rather NOT rewarding them since they already getting paid from other platform.

I see noted. I will consider using that tag when im sharing the restaurants im eating at haha. Oh no worries about the discord, that's unfortunate that you are locked out :c.

Woah that's a lot of Hive Power. I've also delegated some to ASEAN as well because I find it great that they are supporting the asean community.

Ya hive is very transparent haha it's ok if you want to power down I don't judge. I haven't powered down at the moment and if I did it would mostly be when I feel Hive price is peaking. I'd want to go to HBD and buy back hive at lower price to have more.

Once again, if the author I like value more from other platform, I can't stop them from moving away from Hive.

Ya I understand. We can't really do anything about others~