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RE: Bikini and bathers weekend | [WE 120]

in Weekend Experiences β€’ 2 years ago

Awww... Loosing something valuable as that to the sea can be sad. Well as long as it didn't ruin the fun you both had at the beach, it's all good 😊.

You know, the photo is like a combination of weekend blues and bikini & bathers πŸ˜…... I like the blue bikini wear you had on πŸ’™

I'm curious though, can you ride bikes?

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True, I hadn't thought about it, I could also participate with the colour blue πŸ˜†.

I know how to ride a bike, I learnt when I was 5 years old, but not Motorbikes, 🀭😎 you discovered me, I tried to learn but my nerves got the better of me. @dimmablogs, πŸ€ͺ

🀣 that's still pretty cool, I don't even know how to ride a bicycle πŸ˜ͺ

Usually these are things that are learned in childhood, but it is never too late, give it a try, come on, cheer up. πŸ˜‰

I definitely will 😊