Sometimes There is Happiness in Life and Sometimes There is Sadness, That is the Name of Life. Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 200

in Weekend Experiences2 months ago

Hi Hive friends.

Today's topic is very special and interesting, so about it I share many special things of my life with you all. Life is only easy in childhood, after that real life tests begin. As long as a person is doing his studies, there is tension of studies, then there is no tension of money, but when after doing the degree, when a person does not get a job even after passing with good marks, then the real life. It starts from then and it is a fact that a person goes into depression only when he does not get a job after working so hard.

The people of our country are very hardworking and work hard in every work, but when they don't see any job after completing their studies, then they try to go to other countries and try to improve their lives. There are two purposes of life, some are that when a person grows up, earns money, gets married and has children, life goes on in the same way and a bitter reality is that one day this life has to end and we all people have to leave this world,

Just like there were many people before us who are no longer in this world, so life here is the same and it goes on in the same way and there are some people who they work very hard on life and try in everything to bring some special things in life that will benefit people in the future, just like scientists or doctors,

They have written books. and their name will live till the end of the world because every student has to read the books so such people lead a better life because their hard work is very much that's why they get success and their name too. It is very popular in the world. There are two types of people in this world, one is those whose parents take refuge and they just have to get married and live their lives according to their own will and some people are those who have to do all the things themselves.

It is a fact that people who work hard to achieve all things take time and they feel a lot. The real happiness is when we help someone and he laughs again after a long time in his life then only then the happiness is to us too so my life too. This is the goal that I also help all the poor people as much as I can and this is the goal to succeed in life and help others and similarly if a person is going through a difficult time if Because of us,

He will spend some time in peace, then there will be no one more happy than him, so we all should do this, especially look at our neighbors first, if someone is not living well among them, because of inflation. He is worried about it too much, so it is better that we take care of him and help him in such a way that he does not have a bad feel.

Weekend same way we all friends go to hang out and have been going like this for a long time so this time it was found in a special place and we all friends are lado which is too much If you like to play, here they have made a very good system both inside and outside they have placed lado on the tables so that people can sit here and play lado with their friends. Play have fun and have a good time.

Here in these pictures you can see that they worked very hard on the walls and called the artist to paint them so the walls looked very beautiful and they also worked hard on the ceilings. They had made beautiful designs, so they had provided a very beautiful environment, due to which people were coming here and there was a lot of rush, and the managers who were here were also very good, so all People were working very hard.

This hotel has just opened here, so a lot of work was being done to make it famous here in our city, so they had given us a very good environment. Friends liked it a lot. There are three days left for Eid here, everyone is busy doing Eid shopping, because this day comes once in a year, so everyone is very excited for it. Tomorrow we also go for shopping. So I will make a post to show you all what kind of shops are here and how people shop, then we ordered our stuff here and it arrived within 20 minutes so test them.

It was also very delicious and now we must visit this place one day every stop because earlier we used to sit and play Ludo at home but now this hotel owner has put it here so it's much better so we all people like this place very much for this reason. The best thing here was that here they had made a separate place for books and there were many books here, every person could pick up the book of his choice and read because there are many people.

Those who are more fond of reading books and they always want to keep reading books and increase their knowledge, so they also cared a lot about this thing. We also had a friend who loved books.

He was very fond of reading and he was also sitting on one side reading books, especially those books that increase knowledge and know how the earlier people used to live and the earlier people's lives. It used to be good that the life of your people is good.

You all have to tell in the comments how you like to live and whether your life is going well or problems are going on inside it at the moment and you have to tell about this place too. How are you feeling I will wait for your comments.

Who is djbravo?

Djbravo real name is Asad-chughtai and i am from Pakistan. Asad-chughtai is an writter, blogger, crypto trader, and nature lover. My goal is to share these special places and natural sights with all of you.

Read my latest blogs.


Hi @djbravo, this place is very beautiful!
Thanks for sharing.
About the topic, iI think that every people has an own purpose in this life.

Most welcome dear.