I took my daughter a children's play complex

Today, Saturday afternoon, I took my daughter to a complex called “The Lighted Corner.” It has an unattractive name, but it is a place created by the city government for children to do activities suitable for them.
Open on Saturdays and Sundays from 3 pm to 8 pm; What I like most is that since it is a public space and open to anyone who wants to go, it is filled with kids of different ages and my daughter can share a moment with others her age.


I wrapped her up well before leaving, due to the intense cold that is reaching this region of the world, my daughter loves her stuffed animals very much and before leaving the house she grabs 3 to take with her, so she brings a backpack so she has all her toys close by. .
This place is relatively close to us, so we walk since it will be around 600 meters on foot and will take 10 minutes. Along the way she asked me to pick her up, so I picked her up a section of the road and being close, I put her down so she could walk the rest. As soon as we entered, she left walking alone, she only asked me to take her backpack.



There are instructors on site who help and guide the kids in each sector. I love everything, although there is one sector that does not allow her to be there for safety reasons, which is sewing, there are scissors and sharp objects for how restless she is.
Outside we set up chairs and some tents for the slightly older children to play in, although I am always nearby so that I don't do something that could bother another child.






When I was a boy I used to go to this place to play basketball and swim in the huge pool they have, but when the government gets involved, this type of thing usually happens, seeing that only a small part is used and the rest is abandoned.
After playing for two hours I decided it was time to leave because of the amount of annoying mosquitoes and also my daughter was hungry, so I went to buy something to eat while we returned home.