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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 25: Your phone photo

Yes!!! It is true!

My neighbor (we have a summer house on the Canadian border) made bear sausage and didn't tell me what it was until I told him how delicious it was. Not sure I would have put it in my mouth know what it was. :)

Honestly. Best sausage ever.


Yeah I heard that bear was really good. I think I had it once but it was when I was a lot younger so I don't remember much. I've heard that bear tastes like a combination of pork and beef, not sure how accurate it is but I would try it!

As long as it's not bugs, I would try almost anything lol

I will eat some bugs, but, I am selective~!! :))

Bear depends on what they use for spices, but, from what I have had, I would say it is on the sweeter side, so more like pork, as is the texture of it.