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RE: Weekend experiences - From shine to despair

in Weekend Experiences6 months ago (edited)

Since you are the boss, you probably don't have a problem with money, you just lack time.
Get organized, it's worth every moment.
As for my weekend, the company organized "only" 🙂 a dinner with acoustic music and a spa hotel.
After party and the walk in the forest was organized by only a few of the bravest of us, because it was very cold.
As for towing, it wasn't long, about an hour on the highway, 90 km. Much shorter than your from France...
But the problem was that I didn't notice that my "roadside assistance" had expired, so instead of the annual membership fee of 50e, I had to pay 150e on the spot...


Here in Spain many of us work as freelancers. So, that's why I say I am my own boss but it doesn't mean I don't have a problem with money. (well, I don't as we have for what we need 😉 )

Those after-party parts usually are even better than the main event 😁

The difference between the 50 and 150 is just in one number, not a big deal, right? 😅

One green is not a problem 😅
I'm more worried about what the diagnostics will show...
The repair will probably take all the colors - and purple, and yellow and green and orange and blue and red and gray (...885...) 🥲

Those after-party parts usually are even better than the main event 😁

The after party was organized by a Croatian branch of a major global computer company.
And we, the ICT sector of a Serbian company.
We teamed up on acoustic music and moved on to the after party together...
30 years ago, Croatia and Serbia were at war on the territory of the former Yugoslavia, and that evening we played "užičko kolo" together.
Since you visited Zlatibor, you must be familiar with the term 🙂