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RE: A Weekend Walk on The Lake Beach - Where is home in a collapsing world?

Lol I am so sorry I was trying to follow you, and realized I just unfollowed you by doing so.
Don't mind the notification haha.

I am not here to convince anyone because the majority won't listen anyway, but am I then not a part of the problem?

I agree with you 100% it warmth my heart to see that you have the same current of thought, the media are trying to convince us that people like you and I don't exist, and that everyone has already complied.

How long can it endure?

Shit, sis, that's a good one. I think we're already wearing thin, and now I imagine another "bioterror incident" could just precipitate our demise, accelerate the NWO agenda.
We were saying with the wife, "let's move back to Joburg before we can't anymore", but then we're thinking, that the exact same thing will happen everywhere eventually, so we might as well brace ourselves up for winter right here (I know it's spring for ya 😁), figuratively and metaphorically.


It is such a crappy situation and I find myself going from anger to frustration, helplessness, wondering the various outcomes down the line and it does my head in.

I've always been pretty scathing of the South African government here because they're a bunch of corrupt crooks, but when the lockdown started I found myself feeling grateful that they are so incompetent that it at least means that if I really wanted to disappear, I could pretty easily do so and they wouldn't be able to find me - mostly because they're morons. This is really the only plus to being in this country at the moment, which I guess if you extrapolate into the future could be the difference between being a "free" person and ending up in a concentration camp. I don't say that lightly either you know - my great grandmother was in a concentration camp as a kid and it's not that far fetched the way things are going.

As depressing, oppressive and demoralizing as it is, I won't let them win by giving up or giving in. If they try to mandate shit here, they will have to do knock down my f***ing door first.

Joberg might not be the best place but some of the outlying towns outside the cities have already started setting up enclaves - that's probably where you want to aim to end up.

This is really the only plus to being in this country at the moment, which I guess if you extrapolate into the future could be the difference between being a "free" person and ending up in a concentration camp

This is the conversation of the moment, the French Police and army is damn too efficient, I am gonna outrun anyone for sure. What I bank on, is that we are in a remote area, far from everyone, shit might just reaches us a little bit later, and the countryside is safer than the bush in SA.

As depressing, oppressive and demoralizing as it is, I won't let them win by giving up or giving in. If they try to mandate shit here, they will have to do knock down my f***ing door first.

Hahaha dudette, the same here, it's also depend on the circumstances, if the kids are safe, etc... You could always fake it as many are doing here in Europe

outside the cities have already started setting up enclaves - that's probably where you want to aim to end up

That's kind of a good news, it also means that people aren't all fucking retarded, woops excuse my language.