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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 44: See || Hear || Feel - Win HIVE

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Well, we definitely agree that it is a difficult decision to make. I would rather prefer to be touched by inertia, without having the need to choose.

Because when I think about each of these senses, I ask myself, would I be able to do without any of them? And the answer is a resounding no. Not to feel a good plate of food! Naah impossible for me that I like to eat so much, I see that many talk about sex and this is important, but for me food is more important hahahaha. Hearing and seeing are different scenarios, I try to qualify which one is more indispensable but I fail to categorize.

Now, if put between a rock and a hard place to choose, I would decide to lose my sight, I've been thinking for several hours and I think I could cope with it, since I would still have my imagination and those beautiful memories. Although I would live with the regret of what was, I would not only lose my sight but also the harmony.


A few others have choses sight also...It's a big call in my mind and not one I'd be able to give up. I chose hearing. We are all different and have different ideas on things and so will always have differing opinions. Thanks for yours, I appreciate you joining in.


It is something very interesting and atypical what he is proposing that we choose. The senses are a fundamental pillar in our lives and just thinking about losing one of them is a reason for sadness and affliction.

There has already been too much ENGAGE today.

Interesting choice!
I think you're the second to team sight!

Food over sex huh?
What kind of food are we talking here? Burgers? Pasta? I have so many questions 😂