WEEK 197/ I love intelligent men🥰👨


I love men who are intelligent ...

Honestly intelligence is something that always catches my attention, it has something that I like, I love when a man is intelligent and by this I do not mean that he is a person who knows how to solve mathematical equations or that he has infinite knowledge about history, psychology, anthropology, medicine or any other branch of knowledge,by this I mean that I love a man with whom you can have a conversation beyond the sexual or his material goods, you don't know how divine it is to have someone share his opinion about a book, a movie or a relevant topic (although I must admit that I hate talking about politics).

I love men who are intelligent and I don't just mean from an intellectual perspective but always have an open mind they are not closed or intolerant to new ideas , circumstances or opportunities.

I love men who are intelligent and manage their emotions perfectly, it is really attractive a guy who knows how to control himself in situations of stress or anger, someone who loses his sanity and is explosive is a zero or at least for me.

I love a loving man who is kind not only to me but to other people, who is respectful and nice to the people around him shows the kind of person he is and above all the kind of heart he has. Can you imagine a guy who treats his mother badly or depreciates people because of their economic or social situation? That leaves much to be desired.


I love men who meet all of the above characteristics because that's what intelligence is all about, it's a complement of intellectual and emotional qualities.

Pd:Sorry for not posting a picture of a guy here but I don't have a boyfriend and I don't have a picture to post 🤣I'm just expressing what I love about them.

That's all friends thanks for reading me, very happy to share this with you, see you next time bye bye


Bloody clowns freak me out...but it's ok, I'll get over it. 😉

Hahaha I know that if galenkp😉

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