No matter the age, just the feeling.

WhatsApp Image 2023-08-15 at 8.25.31 PM.jpeg

Happy Sunday my beautiful people, I hope you are wonderful, after several days of absence due to personal commitments, I open with the weekend challenge being:

Would you rather date or be with someone older or younger than you and why? Remember to use your own photos.

Wow, family the topic of romances is a bit contradictory and relevant in society.

Normally to form a couple, the first contact or interaction is surrounded by dating regardless of the space where it occurs, several phases are executed as they say to establish a bond going forward.

The synonym of dating, comes from an anticipated planning or a surprise, being a great emotion when there is attraction and when there is not, they are life situations where you have to have ethics to face.

When it is pleasant, anecdotes and laughter interact, which come out so silly when the climate becomes harmonious, the expressions speak for themselves.

When it is unpleasant, it is uncomfortable and frustrating.

It usually happens either of the two options, it will depend between the tastes and colors of each individual, it can be face-to-face or virtual, being a great challenge in both cases.

The age does not matter, what is relevant is the feeling and the topics of interest to be discussed in order to put together a nice and unique plan.

When putting in the question the word older or younger people, I would say that it is not relevant because it all goes in the upbringing and in their development in life.

I have witnessed when older people, because of things in life are immature because their life has not witnessed difficulties in any of the areas, on the other hand there are young people who think like older people because they have had to live reflective situations.

There are interesting cases regardless of age. Their formation, their essence comes from their heart.

Dating allows us to transcend to other planes, if the attraction and needs are mutually agreed.

Use the deepl translator since my language is Spanish, the photo is my property.

See you another time, prosperous week.

WhatsApp Image 2024-03-24 at 3.51.51 PM.jpeg


If you're ready too. Age is just a number. ☺️ @emily22

Actually, it's a number.
Thanks for stopping by.
Happy start of the week.

Yes. You're welcome. @emily22

This is nice, like I would always say everyone's opinion is right. So you are right ☺️

Each person has a different argument, between tastes and colors.
Thanks for stopping by.