WE89: If I Could Commit?

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

If you look at the first collage on this post and think I'm here for some sort of commercial, please skip. Yes, you need to skip because you'll be wrong. This is more of venting bottled up bitterness and letting some of the steam off as suggested by @karenb54 on this post.

As I stumbled upon this #weekend-engagement topics for the week put up by @galenkp, I said to myself, "may be you will use the last topic to find some closure". The question is:

If you could commit any crime at all and get away with it what would the crime be and why do you choose it?



Why I Will Choose It - A Time To Kill?

Let's talk about the first collage now. The image shows me with the pack of two different phones. Sadly, one of the packs came about because the other is no more. How - you may ask? Without mincing words, I was robbed by three hefty guys on the 11th of February, 2022. That is less than 10days today.

The phone robbed from me is redmi note 9, which I got last year August. Before then, I was using infinix hot 5, which I've been using since 2018. On that fateful friday afternoon, I got into a supposed 'commercial' vehicle at a busy junction to run some errands for my sick dad, unknown to me, the two passengers and the driver are of the same gang.

While I was on the way to my destination, they robbed me of my belongings and hurriedly dropped me off and sped off before I could raise alarm for help. I honestly lack words to express what and how I felt then. It felt like some sort of nightmare and I longed to wake up so I could hiss at such dream and continue my normal activities but no, minutes turned to hours later and reality dawned on me.

The pack of the stolen phone with the customized waterproof wrap from the shop I got it.


How I Will Perform What I Have In Mind?

For some reasons, I've always been an advocate against lynching of criminals, which is very common in my clime but after my experience, it seems that people who did it have some justification behind their actions.

In my own case, I don't feel like killing them - at least not at the moment. I feel like catching the three of them and converting their sensory organs into an individual's own. This, my mind has played out through imaginations severally.

I will do this by one, piercing the two eyes of two of them, with the third one left with one eye, to serve as their guide. Secondly, I will amputate the legs of the one with one eye, so that his legs will be that of the ones without eyes. Thereafter, I will cut off the tongue of one of the guys without eyes with a knife and have the others be his mouthpiece to tell people why they're in such condition.


The above and many other horrific things have played out on my mind ever since the attack to serve as deterrence to other scheming fellows but being introverted and religion inclined to some extent, I dwell on the principles behind Jesus' teaching about our thoughts and realize that imagining such horrible things is as good as already done. That is not who I am.

I can only wish that they have a change of heart and change their course for better or that the long arms of the law catch up with them. While the experience has subjected me to mental and emotional stress, the economic hardship it has put me into in getting a new phone through borrowing and putting me into debts may last quite a while.

The emotional stress is not limited to me alone, everyone else close to me has felt the pains too. My sick dad feel quite distressed as if he sent me on an errand to be robbed along the way. My wife said I was talking loud in my sleep some days ago and thought I may still be under shock, and coconut juice was recommended to help calm my nerves


The new Redmi note 11 pack.

I got it from the same shop like the former. You can notice the different waterproof wrap colour.


The different waterproof wraps placed side by side.


The Redmi note 9 pack with the new note 11 I got on Monday.


My attempt at locating the stolen phone. If you can assist in getting the location using the IMEI number, please help.


The two receipts with the dates. Proof of purchase you may say.


The anguish showing in my face instead of the joy that would have been associated with getting a new device.


Thanks to @galenkp for helping me let out some steam through this week's topic. Thanks to @saffisara for assisting and supporting my life. Thank you too @karenb54 for your concerns and encouragements. A big thanks to everyone who stood by me in this trying period.




I'm pleased you got to vent a little on here. I am glad they just stole your phone as anything could have happened and your still here to talk about it. I'm a big believer in Karma, they will get what they deserve. You need to keep looking forward for your little family, don't let 3 idiots pull you down. 😊

I can't thank you enough for all your supports and encouragements.

Jeez. I just noticed the HBD transferred to me. Thanks so much, may all your legitimate desires come true.

Thank you hun. I hope it helps 😊

It's really a huge help. Thanks once more

Your welcome 🙏 🤗