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RE: Jungle 1 / KrazzyTrukker 0

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago

What wonderful photos, but that much blood and hitting the bone? Sounds like you should be wearing shin guards mate. I'm glad you got yourself patched up and carried on although, I probably would have gone a bit easy afterwards.

Sammi Jo is very pretty.


Sammi Says "Meow"

Cat speak for pretty much everything... LoL

Priced some chainsaw chaps and Carhardt bib overalls just yesterday.

I have taken some shin bruises over the years due to sticks and such kicked out by the trimmer. But never a deep puncture. One in a million and mee thinks a nail or piece of wire got me just right.??

Please give her a chin scratch from me 🙂

Chainsaw chaps should do the trick nicely. It must have been something metal, but let's just hope that it wasn't something that's now embedded in your leg!

Keeping a close watch for infection. 😉

Look after yourself Krazzy, those chainsaw pants will help avoid mishaps next time. To many great trimming sessions going forward with less blood-loss hopefully.