The reason for the season, My weekend Experience

Greetings to the Weekend Experience Community, am glad to here, and am glad that you are having amazing experience, going the amazing piece posted on the community, it shows that the Christmas season, has been indeed a blessing.
Its been a Christmas season and l know you are having a good time all the way, I want to share my own experience, over the weekend just before the Christmas day, I want to salute all religion represented in the community and across the blockchain, it was an awesome and amazing experiences learning much about the birth of Christ and the benefit of his birth and to the entire world, which is the main reason we celebrate this season.

Its been a long time, i had such a rewarding and impactful experience, spending four good days with Christian friends, seating under seasoned men and women, who are well schooled on the study of the birth of Christ. I use to think I knew about the birth of Christ but never knew that I was very far from many realities but am glad that i spent those few days and I will forever be grateful to a friend who invited me to be part of the meeting.
Amongst many thing to be grateful for , i will share about two and then feed you with the amazing pictures of the awesome event.

  • The Individual Commitment and dedication

I saw young people mingling with the matured and aged individuals, spending hours in searching and deeply studying the bible, asking question, receiving answers as well as receiving instructions that fuels our visibility into the very future and thereby opening our understanding the our Son-ship in God and the many benefits every Christians stand to gain in the light of the knowledge we received.
It was time demanding, for many of us, it use to be a boring experience but yet we had over 500 individuals who were passionately studying, time and stress not withstanding, every session was awesome, impactful and rewarding, it was really a blessing and stirred up my passion, hunger and desire to study the bible and to know more about Christianity.

  • Reconnecting With Friends

Also it was an awesome experience, reconnecting with friends after like one, to three years ago, you know that feeling that you have when you, you meet a long time friend , it was for me a great and an awesome experience , spending time with a few young friends and other younger fellow (children), it was like we shouldn't vacate but we had to, the meeting start from Wednesday to Sunday.

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Thanks for stopping by, do have a lonely week ahead, see you soon @emylight


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