week 154 Evil has no age and it is what surprises me the most.

Greetings dear readers today I give life and love to my blog ☀️ with the participation in the week 154 choosing the theme on what is currently most impressive.


What impresses you? Explain a few things and why in a post of 300+ words using photos you took personally where possible.

Talking about what impresses me "here and now" in this world populated by mortals with diverse personalities, are the kind actions of those who we least expect it, something that I see with admiration and absolute respect, and the counterpart of this action surprises me even when it comes from a child.


In my daily work as a teacher of arts for children I have seen cases of incidents between them that have been resolved in a respectful and pleasant way without harm to third parties, where the collective affectivity and mutual welfare has prevailed. But in recent times we have been seeing very unfavorable situations for both the school and the family, cases that never cease to amaze me where the substitute for parenting is the TV, smart phones or the adult unable to protect and care adequately, these being breeding grounds for anti-values and development of evil that destroy the purity and innocence of the child.

The reason for this is simply the lack of time for children who are growing up with an affective and existential void where the image of the nurturing father and mother is being supplanted without the greatest care. Today to calm a child or keep him distracted, the smart phone is the solution, believing parents that their children are already gifted and highly intelligent because they know how to handle these devices much better than them, forgetting to cultivate their mind, body and heart.


In my opinion, childhood is being violated without any restriction, being the first responsible the parents who blindly delegate to their children these devices, where they have to find everything that is not talked about at home due to lack of time or because of a hypocritical taboo that many want to follow blindly due to moralistic convictions.

Anecdote: Evil has no age and it is what surprises me the most.

A few days ago the computer teacher at my workplace was removed from her position and taken to a trial in which she was denounced by some 5th grade children telling their parents that she had talked to them in class about masturbation and how it was done. A group of scandalized mothers came to the school with personalities of the LOPNA (Organic Law for the Protection of Children and Adolescents), they came threatening with expletives against all who were in their path.

The principal and assistant principal together managed to calm the situation and listen to the versions of both the accused teacher and the representatives who were asked to call the children, which the mothers refused to do. The case was taken to the last instances with the support of supervisors and child advocates and the teacher who at all times denied the accusation, wishing to appeal because she felt it was a trick to get her out of the school.

These representatives had personal differences against her because on some occasions she had called attention on several occasions to her children, who had committed serious offenses at school, such as hiding her and other children's belongings, viewing pornography on cell phones that they had hidden, and physical and verbal violence in their classes.


The group of accusing children were summoned and interviewed in front of their parents and authorities in another space outside the school where they separately gave similar versions blaming the teacher that she had brought the topic in question:

The teacher's version was that together with the classroom teacher in charge of the 5th grade they would address the topic called "For a healthy sexuality", in view of the fact that violent attitudes were being observed in the group and many of them related to sexuality.

That day she attended to the whole group before going on to work on the computers to support the classroom project, she established a talk to know the children's impressions about sexuality, as she listened to them in principle their appreciations were knowledge about their biology, until a girl asked if masturbation hurt, the teacher, surprised but fair-minded, suggested that this could be a topic for another time and she should also talk to her parents first. At that moment a group of children between word games and laughter began to illustrate how according to them are masturbation, the angry teacher commanded to be silent and took note of the situation trying to calm the uprising of the moment.



The boy who started with the naughtiness is a student who has little time in school and was just who once was discovered with pornographies, at that time of the talk he was talking with 5 other students while the others laughed, two girls joined in with sexual disqualifications towards their classmates. After this episode the teacher at the end of the class commented what happened to the classroom teacher thinking of giving another turn to the subject to be more careful.

The next day the representatives arrived in the complaint, and a few days later in the process of resolving the situation within the school activities, the principal and vice principal at some point established a conversation with the group in general to hear the version of the children who were there that day, The little they were able to express was that that day nothing of what the accusing children said was true and that some girls forced other children to tell lies.


It was evident that a part of the parents decided not to get involved in such a situation by forbidding their children to speak in favor or against it, even if they wanted to express their truth, but the rest were against the computer teacher and classroom teacher who at the time of the incident was solving another case of violence with another representative.

The most indignant representatives collected signatures to have the computer teacher removed, being precisely the mothers of the new boy and the two girls in question who were recognized as coming from dysfunctional ties, the mother of the boy after this situation claims that her son is autistic, something that was never stated in a medical report when enrolling him in the school.


Another of the mothers recently established a relationship with another woman who has wanted to be the child's representative in the school, but the institution has denied her this power due to the lack of updating the child's file, whose representative is her parents, who have been repeatedly summoned for this procedure. The other child lives alone with her uncles and aunts since her parents are out of the country and only take care of her basic needs.

In the end, the computer teacher was transferred to administrative work at the headquarters of the Ministry of Education to protect her integrity, and the signatory representatives, if they had never been to a psychologist, were all summoned to a consultation for six months where they had to attend with their children and submit a report of participation and attendance to the school management to be taken by the management of LOPNA, the entity in charge of following up on them.


So before this disturbing situation, which in my opinion seems like a witches' house, what surprises me most is the human evil and how it manipulates minds and hearts and is capable of causing irreversible damage to others.



La falta de valores, tiempo y orientación de los padres, va forjando una generación muy diferente: carente de valores, respeto y empatía...

Totales y allí en las escuelas los pocos maestros que quedan batallan contra lo imposible 🥺 gracias por venir y dejar tu luz.

@evev I read your post and I am moved by the feeling of loss of values, the feeling is also accompanied by a feeling of helplessness, as well as an invitation: go on and on, we are all responsible for leaving a good example.

Si mi bella dejar la semilla dónde la vida nos facilite estar. Gracias por leerme 🥰