Fighting stress.

Gyvenimo kelionė.jpg

Untitled design.jpg


One of the things I am worried about is my mother's health. At the moment her health is quite good but she is already 64 years old and my dad died at 59 so I am worried about losing her. But it is not something I can change so I should just be glad that she is still here.

My other worry is also something I have no control over- the prices of crypto( more precisely Hive). When my Hive value is above 3-4k dollars I feel quite secure and happy. But if value starts going towards 2k dollars I begin to worry. In the past I was posting on another crypto platform- whaleshares. And now I have 12k+ WLS(?) tokens. The problem is that that platform failed and now those tokens are barely worth a dirt.So I worry that the same might happen with Hive because I see Hive as money that should allow me to live comfortably at my old age.

My final stress is finally something I can hope to change. The lack of my art sales as well as insignificant prices of my art in the sales that did happen. I don't want to be a starving artist. I want some recognition for my effort and time I spend creating. I don't expect to become a millionaire or even rich from making art. I just want to be able to sell each of my pieces for about 300-400 eur. I am already putting my heart and soul into what I create so can't really make better art. But I might try cutting the cost of supplies I use. I might make some pieces on paper instead of wood. Also in the future I might try asking my gallery to put my works in art auction. All in all I will continue to follow the lesson I learned from Berserk books: I will keep on struggling and hoping for the better tomorrow.




Wow!, good words at last, we should be hopeful always for a better tomorrow, what we hope for in life, mostly take place, nothing is going to happen to your mom, and hive is very much strengthen as long as I know and your arts making would worth more good prices.

thank you very much.

You have poured out your heart and I see you as strong enough to make it a huge success in your artwork.

I hope your mother lives long and grows so old. Also, I feel there is nothing we can do about the price of Hive so we just have to hope for the best

Thank you very much.