Lota and time.

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Lota was my best friend for a long time. She was very friendly, loving and curious. My dad bought her because my grandpa wanted a dog. She joined our family in 2010. She hated being alone and always wanted to be together with us. She quickly befriended with everyone she met. One of our neighbours really liked Lota and she often gave her some extra food. Lota outlived two of my grandparents and my dad. She remained or loyal companion for many years. Sadly her health got worse as she aged. She survived a few operations but died in 2022.

Lota always greeted everyone with joy and love. One time she found a hedgehog. She was very curious about it. I am sure she wanted to play with it. But hedgehog was not in the mood.

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Lota wanted to check what I was doing when I solved a puzzle.

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She stayed with me during both good and bad times. Always willing to listen to my worries. It has been almost a year since she died. But our home will probably never feel the same. For now I don't want to get a new dog. Losing them is really hard and keeping a pet can be expensive when they get older. But perhaps at some point in the future I will be ready for a new dog. I miss having a friend. Playing, eating, sleeping together. Someone to talk to...

Not enough time.

If I could pick between rewind or pause time I would choose rewind. II grew up playing Prince of Persia games and rewinding of time seems like a cool and useful power. Also it seems superior because it would not only allow me to experience nice moments of life again but also fix some of my mistakes. On the other hand pausing time seems only good for longer enjoyment of already good life.


Wow you did two prompts in one post not bad. I never had a pet so I'm unsure of the feeling but I can understand it would be rough when they pass away. :P I also agree rewinding time would probably be more useful than pausing because once u unpause you can't go back and change anything.

dogs are really good friends and having them makes us feel company, we also consider our pet cat as part of the family