A weekend of Combat #127

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago (edited)

Weekend fight

Who does not have dreams since childhood? We begin to dream of what we want to be when we grow up and there begins the imagination to fly, doctor, fireman, pilot, boxer and there begin an endless number of dreams and games while we dream with our eyes open.


In this weekend challenge we are given two options both I like but we always lean more towards one of them and this one for me is an easy decision.

Imagining myself flying a warplane is a dream come true without a doubt, I am the type of person who was trained in the military area and I could not fly planes because of my vision since I wear glasses, but I would not only like to fly the plane, but to be able to defend the airspace and kill the enemy troops, to be able to activate the missiles and shoot down a few airplanes.

I think there must be no better feeling than flying in the sky, gliding through the airspace feeling free, the sky is the limit, a phrase that has a lot of force.


I imagine I am flying in the sky and suddenly an enemy plane is approaching our spaces, my partner who is in another plane warns me of what happened immediately my nerves rise, my heart accelerates, my pulse increases and I take the appropriate measures so that as soon as I see the plane approaching I can start shooting and be able to shoot it down.

My partner starts the attack and then I can finish it off, we make a good team and suddenly the plane goes down, we both shoot it down, it approaches the ground, and goes down, our airspaces are defended and we are decorated.

A great weekend, defending my nation, that would be great and a dream come true.


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