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RE: Initiate Operation - Weekend ENGAGED

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

Boring weekends can be good you know...We use them as a recharge and, rather than fill every weekend up with stuff, sometimes we plan zero stuff and just relax, chill and go by feel. I hope you and your squirrel friend are enjoying your weekend so far and that your artistic pursuits come together.

I normally wouldn't write about my weekend or what's going on unless it was particularly eventful. However, i am ENGAGING this weekend fully.

You should mate! Shows personality and let's people know who you are. Thanks for using the community though, I appreciate it, and I hope you will do so again. Anything weekend related is acceptable. I guess that means literally anything, so get into it anytime you like.


Thanks bro! I will. I am just finishing up my buddy from India's tutorial he made for me for Photo Shop. I am recreating the gas mask gif from my last post. It's challenging but i am getting so many artistic thoughts about all that i can do with the tech.

The squirrel didn't come back yet (to get my nuts) since it can eat freely from the droppings of the bird feeders... less risk. We could learn a lot from squirrels. And i totally agree about recharging and planning zero stuff... for me, even relaxing is just switching gears to more enjoyable work. I don't see it as work when it's learning and something you love! I am sure you feel me on that.

Thanks for dropping by... and you and your brother never cease to amaze me man. Y'all are the go-getters and comment answerers that i am striving to be! hahahah I am not sure if it's monday yet where you are... but i hope you had/have a great last day to your weekend.

Guard your nuts bro! 😂

Nup, not Monday get, thank fuck. Nice Sunday afternoon right now, almost 1400. Just had a bite to eat and now kicking back under the verandah enjoying birdsong, a beer and chat with Faith and her mum. Heading over to the hardware warehouse soon, love me some tools! Lazy sort of Sunday really.

Seems like you're on the same trajectory.

Yes, having a beer at 23:32 and trying to keep up with your ass on comments.... just on my own interaction with you. How do you do it with all the other moving parties and people? I am intrigued and amazed! hahahah Bout to eat that late night lamb from my post....
I thought G-Dog came with all the hardware included! Faith needs to get her money back when y'all go to the store! hahahahah

Lol, how do I keep up with the commenting? This is a good question, I don't know how I guess, I just comment a lot, write some posts and reply to everything that comes in. I work hard.

That lamb looked good, making me hungry!