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RE: Weekend-engagement week 14: Hive reward and delegations announcement

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

You're welcome Olivia. We can all do a little bit to help the community, it doesn't always revolve around giving away hive...Making comments on people's posts is just as supportive as giving people hive...It shows people are there reading and is an acknowledgement of their effort. We can all do that...It costs nothing.


Agree with that, interaction with each other is the best way to improve the relationship in this community. I only just realized this later after I joined with you. Commenting is better than upvoting in the sense of hearing and sharing both side's ideas. Thank you for waking me up and more learning I understand how to grow. I will treasure all of what I learned from here.
May I ask question, could I post about my weekend-engagement right now or it must be posted during Saturday? Thank you so much.

Just set yourself the task of placing 10 comments per day on 10 new users you have found...Some will reply and some won't, but you'll start to build better relationships and your account. It will also help those other users as many simply get zero comments. Let me know how you go.

Thank you for the tip and I will.