One of my legs fel into a hole in Ceduna as I was checking out some land there. I didn't know it was used as an unofficial dump for the town and was just covered over and smoothed off. My leg went in up to the knee and all I felt was a banging and thrashing against my leg. I looked down and sure enough, a big brown. A big one. Nesting I guess. I was on it so it couldn't get me...But I knew it would work loose. I wasn't sure what to do, stay or try and get out. My other leg was on ground level so I braced on it and sort of leapt away as high as I could. As I was moving I saw the snake gather itself up and bolt...Probably as scared as I was.
I had nightmares for months to be honest. It was a close call. A bit and and I would have been dead inside an hour. It was Ceduna so the medical facilities were rudimentary.
That would've left me traumatized too. Reminds me of the time a friend of mine was hiking in the Mojave and sat down on a boulder in the shade of a small rockface to rest for a minute. He soon heard a rattling sound band realized a rattlesnake had been resting inches from his butt and was now ready to strike at him. Said it took half an hour for the snake to calm down enough for him to make his leap to freedom
I'm not a fan of snakes man, they freak me out although I've seen plenty close up out in the bush. They're probably just as frightened as us I guess. Best to stand perfectly still, sit like your mate did...The movement could be seen as a threat. The Eastern brown is the worlds second most deadly behind the inland taipan also found here...The brown is really active this time of year as they are coming out of winter hibernation and are looking for mates. They get really aggressive this time of year, and have been known to chase people down. They give warning signs though mostly...I did a post on this a while back.
Me no likey snakey.