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RE: Weekend-engagement week 15: Reward announcement post

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

I've been to where he is laid to rest, in Paris. His casket is immense and is set high so people on the same level have to look up to it from ground level. There's a big circular viewing platform over the top but he had it designed so that to look over at the casket fully one has to lean in a bowing motion. Talk about insecurities.

Museums, opera and art galler (23) (1).jpg

Also, here's the old boys chair.

Euro 2011_2958 (1).jpg


Wow, regal all the way to the end, eh? That chair looks a lot more modest than I expected, though I imagine there's probably some gold in there somewhere.

He was a small man and so I think the small un-thronelike chair was designed to make him seem larger than he was. He'd get lost on a throne...Little bugger that he was.

But he's a decently porky fellow too, so I'd imagine the fear of him getting wedged in there! That beer belly isn't helping things...

He was on a diet at the time, the chair was wishful thinking.

Or maybe it was a objective, to be able to shrink down enough on roast chicken, so that he could eventually fit into that tiny chair.


Seems like he had a legit diet...Although, I don't see Mexican and Oreo's on the list.

Well, his nephew, Napoleon III did invade and ruled over Mexico at one point. Maybe that's why... 🤯! On the subject of Mexican food, I just downed a nice Mozzarella Cheese Naan bread, and some Chatni. It's a reminder that I could feasibly make do without a taco in my diet, somewhat.
