
It won't happen with me. I'll be an even worse hermit than I am now. I'll never go to Canada or Mexico if that's a requirement.

They just announced that people will need to check in on a phone app (or other method if they have no phone) to supermarkets here, and other places...To aid contact tracing.

Sounds like Nazi Germany 1938...


This is the new normal and it's unlikely to roll back in my lifetime.

I'll not be shopping at that supermarket, but when they all do it? Starve, or conform I guess.

Ugggghhhh. Contact tracing hasn't gotten much traction here. There is a huge fraction of the population that is very leery of it.

I mean, I get it. If I'm sick, I'm ok with telling where I've been and when in the last 4 days. I am not ok with doing so BEFORE I'm positive.

It's sort of like quarantining well people.

The thing is that we just got locked down, one of the most strict lockdowns in the world, which was announced and enacted within 11.5 hours last Wednesday based on a lie told by a covid case. It cost the State, people like me and Faith, $100 million. It was lifted, somewhat, when the lie was exposed but still. That's why they want to ramp up the contact tracing thing, to mitigate the potential for lying.


I'm so fucking mad right now...Ready to grab my flintlock and powder and revolt! I'm over all this shit. Over it.

I knew you would be unhappy when I read that some Pizza Parlor guy in South Australia told a lie that got the state locked down.

How can that be? One person?

He lied about working in the pizza bar, apparently as he had exceeded the fortnightly hours worked restricted by his visa. He was covering up for himself. The authorities thought he got it from buying a pizza there and panicked because they thought it could be spread to so many others so they lock us down. Then they find out he lied, he worked there, not bought a pizza there...The lockdown partially lifted and the inquiry is ongoing. Annoying.

@galenkp @bigtom13

Lol, you two had a whole conversation here in my entry, without me😒 hahahaha

I agree with you two about the 2021 being a disaster too, i sincerely believe that we will start seeing improvements by 2022... and having to get vaccinated to travel sounds logical.

And please stop thinking about zombies, they are not so cool, aliens are more intelligent.

About the pizza guy, didn´t get what happened... he said he bought a pizza and got infected... and you guys closed down the country?!

I'm still trying to wrap my head around a severe lockdown occurring out of the actions of one person.

North Dakota. The most lethal place for CV on earth right now. 1 in 1000 residents have died due to CV AND THEY JUST HAD A MASK MANDATE LAST WEEK. No lockdown, just wear your masks...

I'd be OK with something between those two.