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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 44: See || Hear || Feel - Win HIVE

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

I knew the topic would be hard this week but it's been so interesting to see the reasoning behind each person's choice, including yours.

Like you I would go with hearing, as per my last post. For the same reasons as you actually. Sure, there's so much to lose but sight and touch? No way I would want to go without them.



Yeah I stand pretty firm on my decision with that one. That was by far the toughest question of this nature I’ve had to think about in a really long time! Thank you!

It's pretty confronting. I mean imagine blindfolding yourself the moment after you read this comment. Imagine that blindfold on for 1 week...I think that would be an interesting week. Losing any senses would challenge a person's resolve I think.