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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 62: Skills you have or want

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Photo-editing is something I have no clue how to do either...It tried to learn once, on Photoshop, but I got bored annoyed because it wasn't working very well and I gave up. I've made peace with the fact I'm never going to know how.

You make a good point about better photos gaining more interest for you on hive. Humans think in pictures and not words so a decent image is critical to capture interest and hopefully draw people to your post. I hope you can get these two skills happening.


Ha-ha, Galen))
Actually, I also like to write interesting texts more!
A beautiful picture and one sentence in a blog is not my favorite option...

It’s just that I don’t know English at all 😞
So it’s hard for me to write a good post with literary meanings!

Don’t tell me to learn English!
If I was younger, I might have learned the language.
But why do I need English now?

We must think of Eternity in other worlds...😀

Well, I think we're even; you don't know English and I don't know Russian...And yet here we are communicating. What a world we live in!

I want to say, "Oh, brave new world!"👽

Hello, friend, how about if I motivate you to learn English, I tell you that I dreamed that in the other world that is the only language they speak, that is in eternity, so I started to learn it little by little, because I don't want to be mute there.
It would be great to see you there and talk about this platform and how much fun we have in this community with the proposals from galenkp .😀

Thank you for this help in learning English!
But as long as I don’t have time...
Maybe I’ll try it later!

I only got just a little idea on photo editing when I happened to be with a friend who edited our schools photos. I was with him until he was done with the editing. Although it is somehow stressful but very much easy to know