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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 58: Breakfast foods

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Nine: Hey G-dog, breakfast at mine Sunday!

G-dog: You serve me Spirulina and I'll choke you out, dig a hole in the back yard, dump you in it then fill it in, I thought to myself.

Also G-dog: Sure, I'll bring crumpets and raspberry jam.

Nine: Wanker.

I totally understand the health benefits but...Hmm, me no likey the taste. I can't do that sort of thing. Well, I could, just don't want to. I take my hat off to people who can though.

My mum self-treated her breast cancer using "traditional eastern methods". Some of the stuff she drank was evil and the poultices? Equally evil. She died poorly and in great pain, masked by morphine, and since then I'm less tolerant to that sort of thing.

Your green sludge isn't so bad I guess, from an ingredient perspective, and if it works then do it I say. It seems you listen to your body and that's a good way to be I think.


I grew up with older ways of dealing with health problems and we never went to the doctor

I grew up in country Australia in the 1970's. I'd be lucky to get a Band-Aid if I cut my leg off. Lol.

I hear you with your dad's scenario. It wasn't exactly the same when my dad died last year but the healthcare system was pretty poor. He had dementia also, some other issues. It was a struggle that I shouldn't have had to face. Thanks healthcare system.

The health system around the world is probably a little broken. Too many people, too little care factor and too much drive for profits I guess.