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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 34: Who has influenced you

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

Hi June, thanks for joining in this week and with such a personal response too...So nice to see.

In life influences can come through good and bad examples and from the strangest sources at times too! I htink this is the case for you as your father showed you a perfect example of what not to do and influenced you to seek a different path. Of course then your mother showed you many good examples, as has Henrry whom I am very fond of myself.

So many people fail to learn from examples set by others but it seems you've managed to gain the knack of doing so and I feel your life will be more fulfilled because of it.

Thanks for joining in on this week's topic. I appreciate it.



Thanks to you for bringing this topic to the table. There are many things going on in my life that sometimes is difficult to keep my mind quiet. I'm responsible for so many sad poems and stories, that I could say that in every one of them there is a part of what I have lived.
The thing I loved about this topic, is that it made me reflect on my parents and the people around me.

I'm responsible for so many sad poems and story

I hope someday you do some happy ones.

Me too. I would like to do that. :)