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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 34: Who has influenced you

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

So you parents influenced you to seek your own path, to try and fail, get up and try again...And that's what you did. I see what they did as very good parenting and whilst the influence may have been subtle, it is influence nonetheless.

I'd say Da Vinci is a worthy role-model and one could do a lot worse than than take some influence from such as he. When one combines McGuyver-influence with Da Vinci-influence...Well, let's just say one would be a most capable individual.



Sorry for the delayed reply, I really need to find more time for my Hive life.

My parents were the best parents I ever had. I think I am a straight-up 50/50 mix of them. When their son said he wanted to go into the arts I'm sure that it gave them some sleepless nights. I really hope I didn't and don't let them down.

My father was also a Renaissance man and I think that is where my interest in all the different disciplines came from. 80's TV also produced so great role models.

Thanks Very much @galenkp

It's doubtful you let them down, just the fact you apologised for a late reply speaks highly of your upbringing and general manner. By the way, apology accepted, but not required - We all get busy. :)

Have a great weekend and please, feel free to join in the #weekend-engagement topic week 35 due for release in about 8-9 hours. You'll have all weekend.