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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 42: Reveal and win hive

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

So you're reveal is that you're addicted to scrabble, or is it words? Either way I can relate. Most people refuse to play scrabble with me though, I'm pretty good at it.

Did you know that pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest (English) word defined in a dictionary? True apparently. I once played it in scrabble and got a gazillion points! (It was on a triple-word score tile). Ok, no I didn't, I'm lying...But it sounded good for a moment.

Hat, cat, mat, sat, bat, pat...All legit scrabble words.

I declare this a legit reveal!



😂😂 Sorry I took a while to respond. I was trying to pronounce that word. My first time seeing it.
You surely would have won the game with just that word. Just wondering where you’d put it. 🤣
I’d say it’s a past scrabble addiction that could possibly be a present one had I the time. I can’t say I’m good but I love it.
Do you know this word? Hashtags count right?


Have a lovely weekend. 😃

You surely would have won the game with just that word. Just wondering where you’d put it.

I make up my own rules sometimes.


Lol ☝️

Haha. But seriously, I love the game. Win or lose.

Now what were you inhaling to come up with that G-Dog?

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious not quite as long, Dinglehopper, Cone now for a clue....

Well, I'm always high on life I guess and it ones out in various ways depending on the situation. I'm not one for mind-altering stimulants. Not my thing...Fresh air though? Yeah, high as a kite on that!

Fresh air does tend to do that, anything outdoors terra firma, perhaps gliding now that is nice!

I'd rather keep my feet on the ground and hike to some highpoint and breath it is. Gliding...Hmm, I'm a bit of an action man but it's not my thing. Give me a helicopter any day. :)

I was thinking along the lines of a hot air balloon, never had opportunity to ride in a helicopter...

Hot air balloons...I've done it, Loire Valley, France...Beautiful...But...Helicopters...Dangerous, but oh so good.

Only ever been on National and International flights, nothing smaller! Still prefer the train...

I've got a brand new cone here. I bought it when I brought Sam home from the pound freshly trimmed. I took a good look at it and didn't have the heart to put it on right away. I told Sam not to lick his stitches and HE LISTENED. Really. So I still have a brand new, never been fastened cone.

Staffie named Jessie literally laid on her back and removed it herself, turned tricks many... we never tried again putting it back again