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RE: Weekend-engagement topic week 43: Your food love or hate - Win hive

in Weekend Experiences3 years ago

believe that without food we would not be able to live

This is probably quite correct I'd say.

Eating the liver of anything is probably not something I'd want to do, although as you say, many simply love it! I guess the fact I'd not eat it leaves more for them though, so a win-win!

Thanks for joining in!



I confess that one opportunity a very kind lady invited me to eat at her house, a very attentive lady, she was happy that they ate with her, and she told me that she has prepared a delicious liver onions . I really wanted to run away, I couldn't find what to do, my face totally changed when they told me the menu, however I tried and I put a piece of liver in my mouth, chewed and chewed and it was untreatable, I had no choice but to tell the lady that I couldn't eat it.

Lol...How did she take the news that you couldn't eat the liver?