If you're looking for something to write about over the weekend take a look below for the options and if you feel like doing a post use my community, WEEKEND EXPERIENCES . If you follow the rules below you'll be eligible for some possible rewards on Monday and might get called out as a top post of the week.
The concept guidelines to follow
- first tag of your postUse #weekend-engagement as the
- Post in WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community (do not cross-post)
- Follow community rules - ENGLISH only (not bilingual)
- Closes 08:30 UTC Monday 1st August (google UTC)
- Link-credit stock photos and don't plagiarise text
Select something from below to write about
Complaint and compliment
What is the biggest complaint you have about a person in your life? Also, what is the biggest compliment you could pay the same person. In each case explain your answer. Your family are excluded from this writing suggestion.
Nickname given or received
Do you have a nickname or pet name given to you by someone else? What is it and why were you given it? Or, have you given someone else a nickname that stuck What is it and how did they earn it?
How do people see you
Write about how you think other people see you from a physical perspective. Tell us what they like, your best bits, and what you think they don't like, and explain your answers. This is not about what you see, but about what you think others see and think.
Back in fashion
Is there an out-of-fashion item you would like to come back in to fashion? I'd say manners if I was answering this, but what about you? Is it clothing, a type of music or hair style, a tradition or way of life? What would you like to come back into fashion and why?

Curation may happen on quality original content so proof read, use in-focus and interesting pictures and take pride in your post. Your posts are a representation and showcase of you - Give people a reason to visit your feed.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Any image(s) in this post are my own and are not for your use
Manners would be my choice, seems they have fallen out of vogue. I have to say that I blame the parents are to blame almost 100% because there is no expectation. Where have all the parents gone? Letting children make decisions on what to eat, and when to sleep?
Hi, Galen! @galenkp You always put out interesting subjects
I 100% agree, manners are distinctly lacking these days, I actually just wrote a post about it, and in it I mention parents in the same context you do above.
I hope you're well Swigles, and have a good weekend.
Sorry! With no wifi to speak of, I have missed so much and then some. I will be back Sunday night!
But, it has still been nice, even without it!
No wifi? That sucks for sure...We have come to rely on it so much that when it's gone it's like we've lost a leg. I hope it comes back soon, and there's no need to apologise.
At the camp. I am at a cafe right now. Ihave been gone over a week so no pisting to speak of!! Anyway, despite losing my leg, it's been fun. :)
Your leg will make a glorious reemergence, I'm sure of it. 😉
I'll toss some off-hand remarks here in the comments, sleep on it, and see if inspiration strikes to expand on something tomorrow or the next day.
First the quote, "A man endures misfortune without complaint." I think there is a fine line between the mental strength of stoicism and the psychological injury of bottling everything up, resulting in substance abuse as "self-medication," abuse of those closest, and even suicide. Injustice is a misfortune which will persist until someone complains and acts to make the ignorant aware and bring shame upon those who are guilty or complicit.
Complaint and compliment
A number of my co-workers have habits which irritate me, but on the whole, are still wonderful people.
Nickname given or received
Yeah, I'm not going to go here, because these are hilarious but exceedingly off-color stories.
How do people see you
I don't even know where to start on a physical basis here. I'm not sure I can take that kind of perspective. I just know my entirely average adult male height is exploited by my shorter-than-average female co-workers. They only want me for my body, right?
Back in fashion
I would like to think it was once fashionable to have civil discussion when we disagree, and instead of the weak "agree to disagree" platitudes, people really wanted to live and let live instead of demanding political and corporate pressure be applied to coerce others. More superficially, we are way overdue for a ska and swing revival.
It's an interesting quote right? I was wondering if someone would comment on it as usually no one really comments on the quotes I add in.
Seems like a good complaint/compliment opportunity.
I was hoping to see something funny in response to this.
Oh...That happens to you too? 😂
Now wouldn't that be a nice thing to come back into vogue.
I think that misfortune in the quote refers to the hand of fate or something similar. Maybe I'm not a man since I complain a lot about so many things that are our of my control and I can't fix. But such is life. I was raised by complainers, so it's a habit thing.
However, I saw the other comment on the quote and couldn't agree more. There's something different about Injustice and discrimination that could only be fixed by raising your voice and complaining about it. At least, that would be the start of it.
I believe the word man doesn't refer to the gender, but mankind. I could be wrong.
Having said that, I don't think that excessive complaining, especially about things outside of one's sphere of influence, isn't productive. We all have a whinge, but then comes a time for evaluation, decisin and action.
And yes, raising of one's voice, a complaint as such, about injustice, descrimination and so on is likely to have a ripple effect. I guess it's all subjective.
I tried to play a little with the words. But it could also be interpreted like that. Who knows?
There's a lot of coping mechanism. Whining is one of them and it helps get a lot of negativity out. I use it to keep bad thoughts from festering in my head. Similar to a kiai in marital arts.
I'm not above a little whining, but I always follow it up with action because, for me, action moves things forward.
I hope you have a god weekend and have something enjoyable planned.
Sure. Same around here. I whine but I'm still doing the stuff that needs to get done. No Toher way to move things around.
Same to you, mate. Though my weekend will only be a lot of work
Working on the weekend? Me too actually, but not my job, just around the house, which I enjoy. Have a good one, I'll see you around at some stage I hope.
Well, I'm working on some instruments, so that's my bread and butter. It's enjoyable. Though, I get time to do some other stuff. About stages, maybe just the stage of hive as I'm not interested in playing for public anymore.
Happy weekend to everyone. The nickname being among is a great choice for me... All the others are all worth writing on as well.
Happy weekend to you also.
Thanks so much.
Here we go again! Nice topics as always!
Happy weekend to everyone.
Have a great weekend yourself, I hope you manage to get engaged with something that makes you happy.
Nice topics to write about. I think I love the nickname part. Let's keep moving. Happy weekend guys. One love
I think the nickname prompt could be quite funny and interesting to read about.
Yea. Because simething must really happen before a nickname is given. It would be a fun read.
I love the topics. Will surely make an entry for this.
No worries, and have a great weekend.
Oh gosh, you have another set of amazing topics. Reading most of the entries is really fun and entertaining. Have a happy weekend sir!
I hope you have a great weekend also. All the best.
Bringing manners back into fashion, perhaps this starts in the home, perhaps many parents need to be admonished on this one.
Have a wonderful time with #WeekendExperiences everyone!
I don't know when manners fell out of fashion, but they have it seems, and I agree with you, it starts with the parents.
Most things in life are eroded away by man made rulings, as soon as law is put into place small pockets of people push disproportionately into what they feel should be the angle. Look around at woman's rights, children's rights and many ideas started in form of protection now twisted to suit a small minority. In essence confusion reigns supreme!
My greetings. I couldn't help but get into this conversation about what my friend @joanstewart thinks and I would give 50% to family and 50% to education and medicine. In that way ? Well, we all remember how strict our parents were when it came to educating us at home, but a psychologist doctor came and said that children could not be hit since that is considered bad treatment and then the children began to throw their tantrums and his bad manners grew with him. And at school, I've seen that many teachers don't know how to speak well, so that is transmitted to the child in the classroom and the child learns to speak like that. So it is part of the family and part of society that children go back to the fashion of the old days where just by looking at them they already knew that they were being scolded and that when they got home a punishment awaited them. I vote to return to the fashion of manners !!! (maybe it's my revenge, lol)
Much has changed, every so often see couples who still manage to get the right balance, sadly not enough.
Thanks for visit @isabelpena we are no longer living life as we know it, parenting will be for each to manage in the best way possible, teaching manners is a basic along with cleanliness!
The topics are mind-blowing.
Off to write🖋️✍️
Happy writing, and have a good weekend.
Another challenge!! Yey. I will try to write something about it hihi. Thanks for creating this new challenge. @galenkp ❤️🙌
If you try, and succeed, I'll see your post. If not, I won't.
It's already Friday. Old school things remembrance is a weekend that could spur a lot of memories.
Oh it's Friday already.
I have something drafted for this weekend's engagement and I will have it published soon🙃😀
I saw it, and what a good post it was.
Thank you, I appreciate the love 🙂😇
Oou I like these ones.
Happy weekend people 😊
Happy weekend winniecorp.
@sarashew egg, this is your time to shine! :v
The heck.. Your comment and my seeing the topic can't have better timing than this XDD
we work like thatt bro :v
Oh please let's campaign for the return of manners.... Yes to manners, No to impoliteness
Lol, I agree...and where did you get this video of me?! 😁
The topic this time is very challenging, I have to be honest to write something that is on my mind. :)
One should never shy away from challenge, but rise to it.
I will taste this topic 😃
I'm sure having a hard time choosing a topic to write on😅
You know that moment when you know something about everything 😔🤣
Im sure gonna write later
I hope you manage to select something. Good luck.
Very interesting with the topics that have been issued, for all friends Happy weekend to all of us.
I think I’ll give this contest an entry. The contest topics are interesting.
Thank you so much. These are great topics.
I don't even know which one to choose.
All the themes are very good, the one about nicknames is great ... I'll see what I do for tomorrow, Saturday. @galenkp
Let's see what you produce.
Righto mate; the weekend is off and racing!
Or rather, not racing, but beginning leisurely - with a pace set that I hope the next 2 days follow. Have a good one, Tim.
Hey mate, I hope you have a good weekend. Some jobs around the house for me, a little relaxing and maybe a sneaky little hike on Sunday afternoon.
Awesome topics, let's me enjoy my weekend here 😊
I hope you have a good weekend.
Very interesting all the topics, I hope to be able to develop some of them. I wish you all an excellent WEEKEND!!!🙌 🌈 😘
Have a great weekend too! 😀
Thank you!!!😃
Topics are cool, especially the nickname. I might give it a try.
Hope you have a nice weekend! 😊
No worries, have a good weekend too.
The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @mypathtofire ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.
Great topics as always. My entry: https://hive.blog/hive-168869/@itsjunevelasquez/nickname-given-or-received-weekend-engagement
It's nice to be here.
My entry https://ecency.com/hive-168869/@ezegburugburu/we112-bring-back-in-fashion
Hi hi, here’s my entry
Here’s my entry;
Bin a while I posted anything on hive, been having issues with my network provider,
This are great topics, will sure try to write something
Greetings friend. My participation this week...
I have just posted my participation. This was a really thoughtful contest. It gives chance to a wide range of topics to choose from. So much freedom.
Really nice initiative.
As always you surprise us with your questions, there are many things that should come back in fashion, including music jijij, and how people see me, sometimes I also ask myself that question, I would like to know, greetings.
Here is my entry link
Here is my entry
I always look forward on another week of weekend-engagement concept 🥰✨ Thanks for these wonderful questions galenkp ❤ You never run out of interesting set of questions, I'm amazed ✨ For this week, my heart belongs to the last one, "Back in Fashion".
Hope you all had a great weekend
Today is our third day without water (they are allegedly working on some repairs) and we had ran out of reserve. Luckily, it rained a little. So, we have been collecting rain water; what a blast!
It sounds unreal to hear it, but I know you're not embellishing. Sad really.
Wonderful topics to be engaged with, this weekend. Being a while since I joined in this community. Glad to make a submission.
Here's my post link
My Entry 🙂🙂
A little late, but I managed to participate, I was sick but already recovered:
✅ It's good to hear your health improved.
This is my entry https://ecency.com/hive-168869/@orah14/nickname
Post Link
Hi here me entry 💖https://peakd.com/hive-168869/@evev/we-112-weekend-engagement-concept-or-nickname-give-or-received-miridi
Hi galenkp, out of all the topics I found the nicknames most interesting one and wrote the post on it. Here is my entry for your contest;
We go again🔥…. Enjoy the weekend people
Have a great weekend yourself.