Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 210 - One thousand Ecency points are available

in Weekend Experiences4 days ago

Anytime someone tells me that I can't do something, I want to do it more.

- Taylor Swift -


If you'd like to get involved with the #weekend-engagement topics as hosted in the WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community then read below, and I hope you all have a great weekend.

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Post in WEEKEND EXPERIENCES community - and follow all community rules found here.

Posts must consist of 250+ words and you must use your own photos - no Ai or stock images

Use images you took yourself

𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕋𝕠𝕡𝕚𝕔𝕤

  • Have you ever wanted to be the opposite gender for a period of time and if so why? How do you feel it would differ from your existing gender, what would you do and how would it alter your perspective when you changed back? Remember to use your own photos.

  • Could you survive alone in the wilderness, or would you struggle (or perish), or need help? Explain. Remember to use your own photos.

  • What podcast are you listening to right now? Explain it and why you like it. Remember to use your own photos.

  • Why do you think people become so passionate about watching sports? Explain your reasoning. Remember to use your own photos.

  • Would you leave Earth to colonise Mars with no chance of ever coming back? If so explain why with examples. Remember to use your own photos. (No, I don't expect you to have photos of Mars folks)


(Link to UTC converter)

Comply with the guidelines if you want your post to be eligible

Only original content is acceptable and no AI-generated text or images. Curation is based on quality, effort and personality and and all photos must be ones you own, not stock images.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

[AI free]
Any images in this post are my own.



I am outta here bro. I have a picture of Uranus. Can I substitute that?

Just being silly here on a Friday afternoon. Great topics. I got it narrowed down to 2. Now if I can just get the creative juices flowing...
Creative Juices


But right now it is "BBQ Pit Boss:30."

Anywhere would be better than Earth at the moment, but then I suppose anywhere with humans would end up like Earth anyway.

The quote above is lovely, Taylor swift said it right, every humans are unstoppable, people who say we are not trying are the first ones to see our capabilities and they have seen we can do more, someone who always inspired me in such thing is my brother, he always told me when I feels like I am not there, that he believes in me.

Yes, it is weekend time, happy weekend lovely people 🥰

You've encapsulated it well.

Thank you @galenkp happy weekend to you specially 🥰

I think I would make it at least a couple of days in the wilderness. Probably not much longer though I do have some decent fat stores to burn through!

Lol...two to three days should be enough time for someone to find you. Hopefully.

I would hope so! I've actually been thinking I want to get some simpler survival tools for when I am camping. Things like a flint and steel to learn to use instead of a butane lighter. Things like that. Nothing crazy.

It's smart, I have all of that, simple things that will/may help if other things fail. They can go in a little kit all together and you'll know where to find them then.

Yeah, I need to start working on that. Most of them are pretty inexpensive too.

Excellent topics on the table this week!

Cheers, I thought they might allow for some creative entries.

Definitely and you have yourself a great weekend, long weekend here with Monday being a public holiday !LOLZ

Job interviewer: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Me: I would say my biggest weakness is listening.

Credit: reddit
@galenkp, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of joanstewart

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

Excellent selection of topics. The weekend promises to be very entertaining. I'm sure there will be contributions worthy of science fiction novels. Greetings and happy weekend ☺️

There's usually some good entries but I thought I'd get a little more creative with the topics this week.

OMG Bulgari Blv (blue) for women - I used to wear that back in the day - LOL - almost forgot about it. Is it yours?

I don't want to jinx it but maybe, just maybe I might right a little this weekend...

I hope you're having a good weekend!

Yep, it's mine...not the women's one, the one in the photo, and yes I wear it. Back in the day makes it sound like it's outdated and if that's the case I'm ok with it, I'll own it. :)

I'm already holding my breath for your post this weekend...but will sneak little sneaky small ones so I can manage to survive long enough to see if you posted or not.

Have a nice weekend too.

What I meant is that I used it a long time ago 🙂. I'm actually not sure if it is outdated or not. And I wouldn't care. My mainstay perfume is one that I got when I was a teen a long time ago. I last bought it a few years ago and it was hard to find. Not sure if I'd be able to find it anymore.

Now off to look at your prompts again. Hope you're weekend is going well. Time on the range again?

The range on Saturday morning yeah, and I've just got back from the race track where I went to watch some motor racing...A late night (it's almost 12pm here) but the racing was good. Bloody cold there though!

Greetings friend!
I haven't asked to stop laughing while reading your proposals, I ask the almighty for inspiration to write about one of the themes, especially the first one 😅.

Immediately a song I adore by Beyoncé came to mind:

"If I Were a Boy".

.... boys are made of mould and we are made of heart....

Epic, isn't it? 😂

Waiting for the muse then!
Great themes as always...you rock man, so much imagination!

I don't know any Beyonce songs, she's not someone I listen to, but I think you're the second person to mention that song.

Have a nice weekend.

Yes, it sounds strange that I'm the second person to tell you about Beyoncé, and even more so about an album that sounded so strong.
Now we hear more of Taylor, who is also doing well.

Great weekend to you...🙏.....

Very good variety of topics, but, in this case I do have a well defined topic and it is about sports commentary because it is something I am passionate about.
It is not that I am a good sports commentator, but, I have done analysis for Cuban television on sports, especially baseball, basketball, athletics and volleyball.
I will try to leave my participation and grateful for the variety of topics. Happy weekend. Greetings and best regards.

That sounds interesting, I look forward to seeing the entry.

Have a nice weekend.

Good morning my friend, a variety of topics left me undecided: Commenting on sports or I would travel to Mars for good and abandon Earth. Meeting the opposite sex can also be an option.

Incredible creativity, I'll think calmly and post something by tomorrow.

Good weekend!

I'm sure you'll come up with something interesting.

All the best for a good weekend.

Hahaha I was looking for a topic for a particular genre but I didn't see any! :P

I need to save some for another week.

Hehe of course!

What great themes!!!! I love them especially the first ones and the Mars one hahaha I'm an alien but I don't have a picture of Mars hahaha

I don't know much about sports... but the others ... super good!!!!

I was thinking... to be a man for a few days, just a few days, because I like to be a woman hahahaha

Have a great weekend Galen!

Thanks for saying so, I reckon there should be some good entries, I hope to see some anyway.

I'm sure there will be great tickets, I'll be there!

G'day Galen I was waiting for the proposals for this weekend, already deciding which story to tell.🌹

That was a quick decision. I'll look out for your post.

Mine is certain already.. Submission in a bit🎉

Good morning friends and weekenders.
It's such a great day again, culminating the celebration of our Muslim brothers from across the globe.

Many thanks to Galen for such a beautiful set of topical issues to be discussed.

Well, I don't think it's appropriate to single out one religion, (or any religion) maybe you meant it's a great day to celebrate humanity huh?


These are some great topics 👍


Among all the topics, the gender change topic caught my attention, here is my participation:


Happy weekend.

A bit pretentious Taylor but I got the idea. Well done topics! 🫴🏻

great topics again, but this time it was easy to choose!!

An easy choice? Hmm, I'll have to think up some harder ones. 😊

Hi all, here is my entry for this week's prompt. Have a great weekend everyone!

Cheers, have a good weekend.

Awesome set of topics, kudos @galenkp for your consistency.

Here is my entry:

Happy weekend friends
I'm a fan and I will join this week contest.
Keep making my weekend fun

My entry

Hello dear friends 👋
Glad to finally submit my entry link. 😍


Good morning my friend, I ended up getting excited and creating a context for the colonization of Mars. Here is the link to my post: https://ecency.com/hive-168869/@josiva/week-colonizing-mars-2la

Yep, saw it.

Great topics, I liked the theme about desert survival! This will be my first participation.


Amazing topic