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RE: I May Have Hit Every Branch on the Ugly Tree on the Way Down, But At Least I'm Smart

in Weekend Experiences • last year

Curse those stray chin hairs!😆

Seriously though, this post made my entire day. One, because I share many of the same characteristics that you do when it comes to how I view my appearance. (and apparently genetics because I am a mish mash of (mostly) German, Slovakian, English, Swedish, and French.). I was overweight and had a big mole on my face for a good chunk of my life, so even if people said I was beautiful, I didn't believe them.

I'd rather be intelligent and valued for who I am rather than how I appear. Those societal surface standards are exhausting and fleeting anyway. Plus most people are so filtered and augmented by product now that nothing appears real.

What is real though, is the piece of yourself that you share on here through your writing. Even though I don't comment as much as I would like, every time I see a post of yours I smile, because it's always going to be a thoughtful, insightful, beautiful bit of something that only your unique soul can convey.

Hope you are having a beautiful day awesome lady!



@generikat, you made MY morning with this open hearted comment. Honestly. Bless your heart.

We are all beautiful, we just are clouded by filters of our own making, right?

Aww, you made my following morning with your reply😊

And you are so right, we are all beautiful, we just need to remember to chuck those dang cloud filters into the wind lol!

Hope you are having a magnificent day!