What things bother me | [WE107] Weekend-Engagement

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Most human beings are very social, seeking to relate, give love, receive love, communicate their interests, and be aware of the news of others they consider important. I do not exclude myself from that.

But when I offer my friendship, my love, and my sincerity adding to this loyalty and I feel that nothing is valued, well, I get upset.
I think I am not very different from others when I feel affected by that cause. But it is very significant for me because these kinds of things have led me to be very selective when it comes to making friends when it comes to giving love and showing myself as I am.
People who are (a) liars, (b) disloyal, (c) selfish, are beings that cause me allergy and more than anything annoy me; they make me uncomfortable.

I expect a lot from the people to whom I give my loyalty and trust. Therefore my circle of friends or people I trust are counted on the fingers of one hand.
So if a person wants to be my friend, they must come immaculate.
I am loyal, loving, and dedicated. I highly value friendship and love. So I ask to be treated equally.
Everyone who knows me knows that I will always be someone they can feel supported and loved.

If you would like to participate in this initiative, just click here

I invite @elamaria and @dayadam to tell us which theme they will choose for the weekend.

May the universe grant you all that you long for and may the blessings of health, love, and prosperity cover your homes.

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Note: All images are my sole property unless otherwise noted
Thank you for your visit and for your comment.

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Thank you for your entry in the original #weekend-engagement concept conceived by @galenkp and featured in THE WEEKEND community

The image belongs to @galenkp

Thank you very much

Thank you @germanandradeg for inviting me to participate in this initiative of such a beautiful community as @weekend. It seems to me that you are true to your principles and convictions. I appreciate what you think about friendship and choosing very well the people with whom to share. How nice that you were able to express yourself in this way thanks to this excellent initiative. I will be very pleased to accept your invitation. Thank you once again.

Hi Elaiza Maria (@elamaria).
How nice to see you visiting here.
Every weekend I am in this community where I am motivated to write about some particular topic raised by them and where I have fun reading other participants; I hope to see yours.
Thanks for your comment.

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I have never participated in this community, I will check it out and as soon as I can I will do it.

What a great writing you did, they really seem my words I identify a lot with you, I have had so many disappointments that life has led me to be more selective.

Hugs, and a thousand blessings to you @germanandradeg 😙💗.