[WE115] Weekend-Engagement concept (Weekend Clone)

My response to sir @galenkp's (WE115) Weekend-Engagement: Posting topics. You can also join here.

Today's Topic:

Your weekend clone: You've managed to create a clone of yourself but it will only last for one weekend. What do you do with your clone and why?

I understand that political views are not allowed so I won't go political and I will only state the things I intend to do by being a double.

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It would be super nice for me to be in two different places at the same time. Imagine me being at home and my other half is carrying out my other intention in another place. I've imagined many times how Robin Hood must have done it and here is me trying to do my money heist for a more worthy cause.

It would take a lot of planning but being a clone for the weekend which I am the only one that knows about it, it would be easy for me to pull this off. I want to visit our politicians and cart away their money. I know they have CCTV everywhere and I would have planned my alibi so well. Either I am having a family time out or I am out of the country and I would make sure it is documented so that when they come with accusations that I was the one they saw on video carting away their loots or money, I can show them my footage with the time stamp showing where I was for the weekend.

They used to say we have twos of everyone so my alibi would be solid with my documentation of where I was in that time frame and they can keep looking around for my twin which doesn't exist and must have vanished after the weekend is over.

I want to start up an institution for orphans. This world is a scary place and I see a lot of children even with parents and yet they live as orphans. I love seeing children and having them all in a place where they have access to certain luxuries and a fun park would be nice. After carting away with their money, I wouldn't start immediately. It is a long-term project and I would lay low for 3 years while building up the groundwork and who knows, maybe they won't even see me carting away with it but I mentioned all that above as precautions.

Having a mini-me; clone would be nice. Being the same person in two different locations would be nicer too. I just want to use my clone to gather all the money, not from banks, not from those who worked hard for their money but mostly from politicians and maybe our Central Bank too haha so I can attend to the needs of these children.

I would also love to have a go at some celebrities that I am crushing on. I don't have the confidence to go and meet them but it's something I would want my clone to do with no harm being done to the real me. Once it clicks, I can swoop in but when it goes south, I can take comfort in the fact that it wasn't me haha.

I want my clone to also take some risks. I wanted to answer the other questions about immortality but I felt a lot of people would go for that. So, I want my clone to also skydive, scuba dive, jump down from a cliff, rollerskate, swim in the ocean, surf, enjoy hot air balloon rides, rollercoaster rides and all those things I've been scared of doing so even if anything goes wrong, I am still me.


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I would yell at the politicians that they are not good for one ... and I would wait for the shots that would pass through my body without hurting me ... hahahaha

😂 they would be scared.

Nice idea. Too clever you keep them wondering what is really happening.

Yes 😂. Thank you.