Weekend-Engagement topics: WEEK 197 - I adore women who...

feliz fin de semana.jfif

Happy weekend to all. After reading in the community of
weekend-engagement to @galenkp in his topics-week-197 it was inevitable for me to answer several of his questions out loud, but I specifically wanted to focus my participation on the first topic.

I share the complete post so that you can enjoy it and be encouraged to participate.


However. Finish this line:
I adore men who...
I adore women who...

To be honest and without comparing ourselves to anyone, see ourselves today in front of the mirror, in this world of constant evolution, where traditional roles blur and expectations change, the true essence of humanity emerges: the capacity for adaptation and growth.

Me, for example, starting from scratch at 42 in another state, mother of 4 children, separated, and constantly pushing on my own to get ahead for them and for them; The word thank and accept becomes indispensable.

For this reason, I deeply admire those men who, with their responsible and loving nature, become solid pillars for their families. They are beings that not only provide, but also protect, educate and guide with wisdom and unconditional love.

mI chuiqui  a sus 20 años.jfif

Recognizing and Admiring the responsible son who goes to university and works at the same time is giving that hug to the future father.

In this same sense, I celebrate and marvel at the women who have transcended the barriers imposed by a society that limits their potential. Those who have left behind the idea of solitary struggle and have opened themselves to collaboration and mutual support.

They recognize that strength does not lie in individual battle, but in the union and solidarity between all family members.

It is in diversity and the acceptance of diverse roles where we find the true richness of our existence. Women who understand that the absence of a father figure does not imply lack, but rather the opportunity to find support and love in other forms of masculinity present in their lives, such as grandparents, uncles, older brothers. These women are a source of inspiration and an example of resilience.

True strength lies not in absolute independence, but in the ability to recognize our own limitations and seek the support and collaboration of those around us. In this harmonious dance between the masculine and the feminine, between the individual and the collective, the tapestry of our existence is woven, full of nuances and colors that remind us of the beauty of diversity even in nature itself.

Therefore, I celebrate responsible and loving men, as well as brave and collaborative women, for their invaluable contribution to building a more equitable, compassionate and loving world. Those who understand that sometimes children cannot tell them certain things because they need that male figure who perhaps has that magical answer. I don't know if you understand me, or if what I say bothers you. If it causes discomfort and you are reading me, I apologize.

chiqui y yo hace 4 años.jfif

My son and I at his high school graduation, dreaming of his future.

But I certainly admire them, because in my immaturity I separated my eldest son from his father, he did not want to be responsible at the time of his birth either. I thought of myself as a mother and father at the same time, as the slogan says, and I never imagined what my 12-year-old son would feel. It was and has been painful to hear. Today I can't turn back time anymore. That is why I admire women who assume their role in time in equality and equity of responsibilities.

mi chiqui.jfif

Listening to the pain of their truth makes me admire even more those women who do achieve that balance that I did not foresee at the time.

In his example we find the inspiration to continue growing, learning and loving every step of the way towards a brighter and more hopeful future for all.

I admire men who are responsible by nature and I adore women who have found their true strength in unity and mutual support!

Thank you for reading me until the end.

All images are my property


A reminder that this is an English language only community.


Greetings appreciated @galenkp
Thank you for facilitating a meeting every weekend to share topics.
I hope I haven't broken any rules 🙏

Post only in English and you'll be ok.

Understood. I will do so.
Thank you.