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RE: Weekend-engagement week 68: Phone photos or make a meme

I think it is great that you are optimistic. That is something I struggle with. However, one thing I have observed as universal is that every person has some plans in life which are in some way thwarted, and most people feel like they are unique or unusual in this experience. I think the reason is we are often afraid to openly discuss our failures and missteps.

People like to share their successes with others, not just to be boastful, but because it is positive news. Discussing failure can be awkward, so even people who are ordinarily open books are hesitant to do it. Many of us are left with this sense that if we are not happy or have not met our goals, we are defective in some way.

There is a quote by Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddhist Monk, about trees:
"An oak tree is an oak tree. That is all it has to do. If an oak tree is less than an oak tree, then we are all in trouble."

His point is, I think, that we put so much pressure on ourselves when, really, we are already being ourselves and living our lives, which is all we were actually born to do.


Totally true. I just hope we can at least get few of what we want. Half bread is better than none.

That's a good way of looking at things.