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RE: G-dog's weekendy handyman tasks

in Weekend Experiences4 years ago

I think its endearing that Faith tries to help you and sometimes doesn't get the tools right. Its the effort and thought that counts.

Its supposed to be raining potentially non stop through Saturday so im not sure about my weekend. Probably reading. Hoping i csn come up with something fun though.

Personally im looking forward to your weekend engagement post. That's a party every time.


I recoated my roof in March. Haven't had a drop of rain since, so I can't do anything to repair the holes in my ceiling. I took out a couple of panels to try to localize the roof leaks in the kitchen, in the bathroom the tile got good and wet and fell all by itself. I was sitting there doing my thing when it fell and you can bet I was done in less than a second!

I actually wish it would rain enough to test the roof. Then I'd have a really long term project to brag about any time some asshat brings it up.

She tries her hardest but doesn't get it right much. I don't get too upset because it's often more hilarious than annoying. Is this a hammer, she says holding up a hacksaw. (Another exaggeration of course.)

We've got rain for the next several days here which I don't mind although depending on its severity on Saturday it may dictate whether I go to the range or not. Still, they weather dudes rarely get it right so I just push on regardless.

Screenshot_20200917-135003_BOM Weather.jpg

I'll come up with a topic sooner or later...Still working on it...The hamster that runs on the wheel in my noggin making my brain work has been a bit slack lately...Hopefully he comes good by Friday.

Hey rain is always good. Pretty sure thats going to get in the way of s lot of stuff on your chores list for sunday.

Pfft! Your weather guys are a lot more accurate than ours. Higgens storm chasers are pretty accurate and the BOM live radar (raindar) is awesome.

Yep, BOM is where that snap came from.

If the rain comes in on Sunday I'll probably leave the downpipe thing, pressure cleaning and the mozzie screen replacement. Most other things should be achievable...Or maybe I'll watch TV and eat lunch all day.

Tv! Tv! Tv!!! That's what I would do

Don't fucking lead me astray you!