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RE: Painters and Drawers || Let Nature save you

I like walks, but I need also self control. The fridge is on the way, and it's siren's call of "eat everything within" is likely to win. Plus, There's men on my roof right now making an enormous racket as they install solar panels. There's a drill whirring away not less than 2 metres from my head. It is suffering.


Ah! The Fridge! A worthy opponent! Always hides something in store!

You should abandon your home for a while then! Tree house? Fort in the bushes?

I could, but unfortunately, I am not allowed to leave. I am bound by duty to use my laptop battery until it goes flat. That, and for reasons, I can't climb trees. The main reason is gravity.

Such reasons I am bound to respect!
I therefore hope, that the sound of hammers and drills will soon become music to your ears!

It is done now, and for a little time (until the sun fell below the horizon, and the rain fell from the sky) I had a home powered by light.

I wish you many gifts from Ra/Sol/Helios/Phaethon/Arinna/Surya/Inti/Huitzilopochtli(ok, this one I had to google) !