[Week 123] Weekend-Engagement concept - Is there anything worse than dying?


Greetings friends of Weekend Experiences, this is my first post in your community. As soon as I saw the topic of this issue 123, I wanted to join Engagement as I found it quite interesting.

Is there anything worse than dying? What is it and why do you think it is worse? Explain your answer.

A few days ago I saw a horror movie where the characters dealt with the subject of death, that facing it is not easy at all and that many times death is better.

Death is better when we live without living, when suffering overcomes our desire to live. There are many circumstances in which death seems to be the solution, although it should be noted that I am not referring to suicide. I had a personal experience with my mother, when I saw her in such a deplorable state it seemed that death was the rest she needed so much. I did not want her to die, nor did I want to see her suffer, but the sad reality is that she was no longer living despite her physical presence on this plane.

Since she turned 60 years old, she began to show symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and months later her diagnosis was confirmed. This terrible disease that many see as a simple loss of memory, is not, it is much more than that. It means the loss of reason, the cognitive part is seriously affected, as well as the motor part. All this is detrimental as time goes by.

Watching her health degenerate little by little was devastating and it was even more so because there was nothing we could do about it, we could only take care of her as she faded before our eyes. As the days went by, she began to have erratic behavior, then she found it hard to speak until she stopped altogether. Other things added up, her limbs began to stiffen until she was wheelchair bound, she became diapered and unable to eat solid food. It was a radical change of life for her and also for Mostros.

It was characteristic of the disease that it did not absorb nutrients, so that corpulent woman was reduced to just skin and bones. She was unrecognizable, it was hard for her to swallow even water and I spent many hours feeding her, everything became very difficult. What is worse than dying, I think living like that is worse.

I can number many reasons:

-When you can no longer enjoy a walk or exercise.

-When we depend on other people because we cannot fend for ourselves.

-When we cannot eat and enjoy our favorite dish.

-When we cannot go to the bathroom alone to relieve ourselves or take a comforting shower.

-When we suffer from serious illnesses such as cancer.

-When we are no longer aware of our own life.


I remember that in her illness, being bedridden, it was impossible for her to do simple things, like scratching herself if something itched. She also could not change position if she got tired, she had to endure pain because of those bedsores she got on her body when we cured her. Only she could feel that pain and not be able to express it.

That was my experience, however, the list is still long, worse than dying is to be in this plane under suffering and thus not enjoy being alive. Not having health is synonymous with suffering, not feeling well physically affects our morale, self-esteem and mood, which is why other pathologies such as depression appear. This is one of the worst evils that a human being can feel. We lose interest in everything and the desire to continue in life.

There is nothing better than being healthy, being independent, feeling good, exercising, smelling flowers, tasting delicious dishes, being able to shop, walk, travel, share with loved ones, work and fend for oneself. All this is synonymous with living life to the fullest. If this is our case, we can only be grateful.

Given my experience with Alzheimer's disease, I came to think that death is better or that suffering a terminal illness is worse than death. It is then that death becomes the solution and it is better to rest to end the suffering.

The pictures are my property, Xiaomi Redmi 9 phone.



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Most times, when someone asks me what I fear most, I tell them that my worst fear is not being able to help myself anymore, not being able to assist myself but rely on others and watch myself dies slowly....how painful

I think the same, what will become of me when I am older, what my life will be like, whether or not I will be able to stand on my own two feet? It is a thought that we cannot avoid, it is the end of our cycle on earth, but no one knows what destiny awaits us.