
You mean like buy ass and breast for ladies ba 😆

Don't mind me, I perfectly understand you. Anyone can pay for surgery and have their looks re-made.

Ahahaha that's what I meant.... Welcome to 21st century 🤣 everything is possible here.

Looks, Intelligence > Elon musk working on putting chips in our brain !LOL

Hahaha.... That's my gender for you, we always feel insecure in our own skin... Lol.

Haha... Chips? Damn, most religious folks will start saying the Anti-Christ are here if that happens 😃


Haha I have seen such people already 🤣😂

Hahaha... Oh, you're experiencing it already? That must be giving you goosebumps 🙃

Agree! Thanks to science, with money you can alter anything on your body that you feel insecure about.

Indeed.. gotta become rish bruh!!!