Fast-paced living...?

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago (edited)


Five years ago my granddaughter was eight years old, she didn't have a cell phone yet, she entertained herself playing with her friends and swimming in the pool.

Every time I called her, she would answer me with great enthusiasm, she never stopped telling me about her little daily adventures, school life was always an inexhaustible source of stories. She could spend a whole afternoon telling me about her long day.

She is thirteen now, still swimming in the pool, but oddly enough she has fewer friends than she did five years ago. However, every time I call her we barely talk for a few minutes, she always replies that she has to cut the conversation short because she "doesn't have time". Although she doesn't tell me I know that all her haste is due to her attention to her cell phone.

It could be that my granddaughter, like so many people today, has entered what they call FOMO (Fear of mising out) and feels a great pressure not to miss a single moment of what is happening in the wide world of social networks. Your time has accelerated.


Our perception of time has a lot to do with the stimuli we have around us. I remember that until my teenage years I lived in a suburban area where we had little electricity, no television, and our connection to the outside world was provided by a battery-powered radio.

In that small world time passed very slowly, basically attached to the rhythm of nature. That's why we valued going to school so much, it was the way to find other kinds of activities to fill the long hours of the day.

Now everything is completely different, life has accelerated in an unusual way. This is very noticeable for me, the contrast with what I lived in my childhood is evident, this rushed rhythm is nothing like the calm of those days...

I must confess that many times I feel stunned by the speed that is imprinted on life today. It is a matter that really bothers me. I don't quite understand the reason for the bombardment of messages that invite us not to waste a second, as if life had to be lived in a single instant.

Living at a fast pace has serious consequences on our attention, on our personal relationships and on the way we enjoy ourselves...

All important things should be done slowly. It is not the same to consume our food calmly than to swallow it in a hurry. To appreciate the flavors you have to take small bites and hold them for a long time in the mouth, thus our food also becomes a form of pleasure. By eating in haste we kill that possibility.


No solid relationship can be cultivated in a hurried way. To achieve good relationships it is necessary to know the other, and for that it is indispensable to listen to him, to look at him with attention and to touch him at the right moment and all that requires time, all that has to be done without any hurry No lasting friendship is made in a hurry.

There is nothing that requires more time than to know ourselves, to know what we like or dislike, what upsets or calms us, demands an attentive inner examination and that can only be achieved slowly, calmly, paying close attention to body signals. It is not something we can rush.

My recommendation is to try to find the balance. We always have the possibility of putting a stop to the maddening rhythm imposed by today's life. It is not true that we have to live at an accelerated pace.

The important thing is to find the priority, to realize the things that are meaningful to each one of us.

In my case, the most important thing is to cultivate relationships with my friends and family; I dedicate as much time as possible to them. I fully enjoy every second of their company. The rest can wait...

This is my entry to the challenge proposed by friend @galenkp for week 148, under What annoys you about modern society?

Thanks for your time.

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All your comments are welcome on this site. I will read them with pleasure and dedication.

Until the next delivery. Thank you.

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The photos, the digital edition and the Gifs are of my authorship.

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The important thing is to find the priority, to realize the things that are meaningful to each one of us.

This is what I discovered also that is most important YOUR PRIORITY IN LIFE.
After that is discovered life feels a bit less complicated and but more fulfilling.

In my case, the most important thing is to cultivate relationships with my friends and family; I dedicate as much time as possible to them. I fully enjoy every second of their company. The rest can wait...

I love this and this is so true it saves one from regrets. I say this bcus we let off on these things saying we will get back on them with all that distracts us in the world then having regrets when we can’t get back to them as tomorrow isn’t promised.

Thank you for a lovely post💕 enjoyed it🤗

I'm glad you liked the publication. When I was young I spent a lot of time on unimportant things, time that I could have put to better use. Sometimes learning to appreciate what is important takes time. Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting my dear @whitneyalexx . A big hug from Maracay.

The interplay between the sun and the moon has remained constant since The Bigbang. Man, in his eagerness to control everything, invented the clock and since then it has indicated the twenty-four hours of the Earth's time zone. So what has happened?

It is we who evolve with each generation. Our brains adjust to technological changes, and if we didn't, we would be stuck in the cave age.

When we were children, we never cared about the passage of time, that's what our parents worried about. With age comes responsibility, and a clock shows us the unstoppable passing of time. We live an allegro rhythm... We are the ones who must impose the beat, but that is something we learn with age. Digital life has absorbed us, and without realising it, the second hand has rotated an infinite number of times; that time that will never be recovered.

A time that seems to make the important issues of life obsolete. Thank you very much for enriching the publication with your comment dear friend @amigoponc. A big hug from Maracay.

I fully agree with your recommendation finding a balance is essential.

Unfortunately today the world runs fast but we can find our own solution to this.

I try to always dedicate the right time to things and I often cut out the time to go slowly.

Going slow is a wise decision. Living in a hurry we lose the ability to appreciate the beauty of life. Thank you very much for stopping by and commenting dear friend @p1k4ppa10. A big hug from Maracay.

A hug back!🤗

Ahh, I remember those time, no cellphone, no computer or any entertainment that we have today. But still, life is still enjoyable during that time. It is a little slow but happy things is best when we do it slow. But now, everything is just, different. We're really moving is fast pace rn.

Each of us has the capacity to have a good life. The present time has wonderful things but we must learn to know what is really important. Thank you very much for stopping by and commenting dear friend @ruffatotmeee. A big hug from Maracay.

Muchas personas padecen de Nomofobia o miedo a miedo irracional a no tener el celular cerca y esto causa ansiedad y estres.
Al igual que a ti trato en lo posible por no vivir acelerada.
Un abrazo amigo @irvinc

Eso que dices es cierto. Yo me he propuesto verlo a determinadas horas, lo dejo en un sitio con todo el volumen, si nadie me llama no lo veo. Muchas gracias por pasar y comentar querida @mafalda2018. Un fuerte abrazo desde Maracay.



Oh, a mistake. Sorry my friend. I already edited it. Thanks for the observation.

Lol, no worries.

I agree I really like peace and patience, despite the fact that anxiety attacks me, it is what I always need, to have my quiet space to share with my family I even like to enjoy silence and it is so difficult to have silence currently in the actual society


You have a great ally in embroidery, that is an activity that always needs patience. It's true what you say, sometimes it's hard to find some silence, I miss the times when my neighborhood was silent. Thank you very much for stopping by and commenting my dear @irenenavarroart. A big hug from Maracay.