One story, one generation, one passion || Week 144

Passion.Tell us what you're passionate about...Excluded is religion, crypto and gaming so don't write about them.

This is my passion Galen to tell stories that excite me and as I get older with more sense of humor and less sense of ridicule I allow myself .... To play, to play with my body, with my image, with the situations, with the moment, to play with myself, to laugh at myself and with me, it feels good.

Why tell me stories?

Because my inner child always likes to play, to feel free, witty and spontaneous. My little girl is good, tender and cheerful and I follow her, support her and take care of her. I like the little girl in me very much, I have fun with her and she sometimes gives me complications and very nice moments.

To my little girl I always say You are a vital, creative, cultured being that I love to follow, you entertain me and make me happy with your stories, at the same time enriching my life with them, thank you for being there. It is true, my inner girl is with me, and my teenager and my young woman are in me, and I am still flirtatious and I want to be.

When I look at myself in front of the mirror, I no longer see the same energy and vitality, nor that smooth skin and turgid forms, nor everything in its place, not at all, puff, I don't handle this well hehe, but there is a feeling, a desire, a desire to live, to seduce and to act crazy sometimes, as if I were the one from before, the one from always and not the one I see in the mirror which is exactly the only thing I can see.

That's right, many times I don't see myself as I feel and many other times I feel like everything is happening to me for the first time Ha,ha... I remember when I was in my "early twenties" I wanted to look like Claudia Cardinale and I used to comb my hair like this, sexy and with a washed face, which has its merit with that expression of sweetness on my face, which I really like when I see myself inside, so I will not look for more mirrors, to continue saying youth divine treasure always alive with strength and energy adorned by that illusion and passion for living that I want to continue spreading.

Sometimes appearances can be deceiving, and what seemed uncomfortable to me is now very comfortable, haha... And it feels and looks great. Sometimes I say no to something because it seems to me that it will not go well, because it is unknown to me and I feel insecure.

I am the protagonist of my own history

And sometimes I realize that I go with a no in front of me, a no that is a defense, because of a subconscious need for security, for protection... and I open myself and I try and that no, becomes a yes, a yes to now, to life, and once I overcome that fear I feel better than before... Other times my no, is a clear, verified and resounding no to what I do not want to live again in my history full of emotions.

I remembered the time when I told my daughters many stories appropriate to the reality they lived and the reality that other children lived. I love what we feel, appreciate and also consider when we listen to others, because we are all great storytellers, but most of us don't know it.

It is rightly said that the results that are obtained in life, begin with the passion we put into a dream, an idea, a thought and a story, when you harbor that burning passion to achieve something important in your life, you just need to take action so you can achieve it.

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Hello what a beautiful passion you have and above all a great creativity, by allowing yourself to write stories you must have a mind that is continually traveling in each of your writings.

continue to foster this passion and intrigue yourself every day so that you grow and strengthen it.

greetings @janitzearratia

Thank you for your sweet words, sometimes in these stories it's all we need. I send you a strong hug tight of strong faith and joy to live 🌞🌺

Yay! 🤗
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