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RE: In Thru the Outdoors

Hey, how funny about Dr. Galenkp 😅 especially because it is very real, just reading the post of Weekend-Engagement I realized that writing about the weekends, based on the questions he proposes are a therapeutic action and for analysis, practically today I go to the wedding of a friend inspired by the themes of the community 😬

I loved the way you carried your story, from the peace that home offers to the outdoors. I understand perfectly when you say you have few friends, I praise a lot those I have, but the most intimate are very few, many times I have thought that the most faithful friends are those beautiful cats that accompany us at home, and I see that it happens to you the same way 😻

I know you will have a good day, because I see that you start them well, even if they are tedious for us we always come back to the peace of our home, where we can relax, do what we want and be with who we want. I wish you the best, loved reading your post bro! ✌️


Thanks for the kind and spot on words. You certainly are correct. Home is always where I want to be. Inside or out. As long as it is home. I am happy. 👍😉👍