in Weekend Experienceslast year (edited)

Good afternoon dear Hivers, I wish you all a happy and blissful weekend🌹🌹 I am very delighted to be able to participate again in the wonderful proposals of our friend @galenkp.


Who am I?
I am Johnpaul by name and a 2nd year student of University of Nigeria Enugu Campus.
My life and story would be an encouragement to someone someday. I believed it and I am working towards achieving it.

I have always wanted to study medical course because of my passion for humanity. I have lost many of my beloved ones to the cold hand of death as a result of lack of medical treatment 💔💔💔. Losing someone who is dearest to you is not as easy as I imagined.

Medical Laboratory Science is the course I'm studying in the university of Nigeria Enugu Campus. It wasn't an easy journey but God brought me this far. After my Daddy's death 💀 ☠️ on May 29,2019. I was about entering university as of that time. My Daddy's death shattered me, traumatized me and left me in emotional damage 💔💔💔. I was advised to quit every plan of me entering into university because my sponsor is now late and the remaining money left in his account have been used for his funeral.


I looked up to the mountain and I saw how bright the cloud was. I touched myself and I said to myself that no matter what happens; POSSIBILITIES will always be my watch word.

I used my money to purchase university entering form. I sat for the exam and luckily to me, I passed the exam and got admitted into the university in the department of Medical Laboratory Science, faculty of health sciences and technology. I started this journey though I wasn't sure where I was going but I know that the future holds something good for me 🤲🤲🙏. A lot of challenges came my way in my first year such as: buying of textbooks, handouts, continuous assessment book and other minor fees.

I remained persistent and dogged to my dream. There was a time when things got worse, I got depressed and I wanted to take my life but God came true for me 🤲. I finished my first year with good GRADE POINT even though I wasn't fully participated in the school affairs psychologically.

I am currently in my 2nd Year now and I wish to thank God for that. Things have become better now and I'm really proud of myself for not given up when everything seems not working.

I want to encourage someone today, always look up to God and no matter the situation you found yourself don't consider suicide as the best option. God will always prove his mightiness and majesty in our lives

 last year (edited) 

You have posted the exact same thing from two different accounts. You're clearly scamming.


I wanted to delete this post but I couldn't... I never intended to post it with this account. Please mute this one and release the other one.. please sir😭😭😭